Demon Time Part 2

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"I walk in, and there's smoke all over the place. And then, I see Luci lying on the ground!" said Bean, holding Luci close to her chest. Bean was sitting in the knight's barracks along with Elfo and Koga. Elfo sat on the floor before Bean and Luci while Koga lay in bed. Luci was still dazed after the magic tug-of-war with Tavish, Cloyd, and Becky. "I can't believe Tavish would do this! I mean, I'm not surprised but shocked he would kidnap Luci and torture him!"

"That's extreme..." said Elfo, frowning. "Are you ok, Luci?"

"Ugh...god..." Luci groaned. "Everything freaking hurts..."

Bean was petting Luci's head softly. "Don't worry, Luci. Tavish won't hurt you again..." She whispered.

"What made the clone want to do this anyway?" Koga asked.

"He was trying to figure out who sent Luci or whatever," said Bean angrily. "That doesn't give that asshole any reason to hurt him! UGH! He's just like Zog!"

"Who sent Luci? I thought Luci just appeared and started hanging around. I didn't think anyone sent him," said Elfo. "Who sent Luci to Bean?"

"Who cares?!" The princess said irritably. "All that matters is that Luci gets better!" She looks down at Luci, concerned. "How are you holding up, Luci?"

"I think I'm ok..." said Luci. "You can let me down. I can walk..." Bean carefully, let's go, Luci. He wobbled a bit but could stand on his own two feet. Or so he thought before he fell over. Bean catches him before he hits the floor, and she holds him close to her chest once more. "Ugh...never mind..."

"What the hell did he do to mess you up that badly?" said Koga, rising from his bed.

"He used that weird freaky lightning stuff that Bean can do," Luci replied weakly. "He used it on me, and then I blacked out. When I came to, I felt like I was getting pulled around by two different people...or three. I don't remember the details too well..."

"So Tavish does have the same magic as Bean," said Elfo.

"Whatever," said Bean as she got to her feet. "I don't give a damn about what he has. I'll knock his teeth out if I see him next to Luci!" She walks out of the room, holding Luci closely. Elfo and Koga were now alone in the room.

"I'm starting to think Luci is her favorite," said Elfo, looking at Koga.

Koga shrugs. "People will kill for their pet cats,"

Bean power walked down the stone halls. Luci opens his eyes slightly and looks up at Bean. "Where are we going?" The demon asked tiredly. 

The Princes would reply. "You're staying with me in my room tonight,"

"Come on, Bean, that's not necessary..."

"Yes, it is,"

"I just need to nap, and I'll  be back to making your life miserable again..."

"Well, you can nap in my room. I'm not taking any chances," said Bean as she opened and slammed the door to her room. Bean walked over to her bed and slowly laid Luci on it. "How's that?" she asked soothingly.

Luci lets out a sigh of relief. "Wow...this is nice...I see why bunty sneaks in here to sleep when you're not around," He curls up into a ball on her bed. "Also, I think she had a few kids in your bed."

" that explains the wet stain on my mattress," She sits on the edge of the bed. She reaches under the mattress, pulls out a silver flask, unscrews the cap, and chugs it. She burps and falls back onto her bed. "It never used to be like this...everything used to be so simple..." She let out a long sigh.

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