Bounty Hunter Bean Part 4

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It felt like it had been years since Bean had seen Cecilia, that she had almost forgotten what she looked like. Cecilia was a few inches taller than Bean. She clocked in at about 5'8 inches tall. Cecilia had black hair wrapped in a bun and wore a long black dress with a long white top draped over the clothing. Her skin complexion looked like she hadn't been in the sun for months. Bean, of course, had always remembered Cecilia looking like a vampire. Bean helped Cecilia to her feet, and Cecilia dusted off the dirt from her dress. "Well, look at you, Bean," She eyed her leather armor. "It's a nice change of pace from what you usually wear."

"Oh, um, thanks, Cecil," Bean said, laughing awkwardly. "Uh, are you ok, by the way?"

"Yes, I am, thanks to you!" Cecilia replied in relief. "I appreciate the help Beanie."

"I'm glad to help!" Bean said proudly. "And I'm going to make sure to beat an apology out of Tavish for making you do some royal work that HE is supposed to do."

"Oh no, Beanie, no need to do that," she said, shaking her head. "I'm helping Tavish out as much as I can. He is working hard, after all."

"Hard working," Bean repeated, doing quotations with her fingers. "Yeah, right..."

Elfo and Luci got off the horse and walked over to the two. Elfo first introduced himself. "HI! I'm Elfo!" He said, waving at her. 

Cecilia gasped. "Oh, this is the cute little Elf I've heard so much about!" She exclaimed with a smile on her face. Elfo laughed awkwardly and replied, "Ok, easy on the cute and little thing, lady," Cecilia kneeled and gently pinched Elfo's cheeks. "Yes, you are! You're such a cutie!" Elfo would start to laugh, "H-Hey! Stop it! Haha! Stop!" He chuckled. "THAT'S ENOUGH!" He suddenly shouted while shoving her hands away.

"Anyways, I'm Luci," He said as he shoved Elfo aside and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, cutie." He winked.

Cecilia stared at Luci for a moment before she replied. "Is...this the talking cat?" She asked Bean. Bean would nod and say, "Yeah, he's not allowed around the good furniture." She said. After Luci replied with snarking remarks about Bean, she grabbed the bounty- placed him on the back of the horse- and the group made their back to Dreamland. The group would arrive back in town, and Cecilia turned to Bean. "Thank you again, Bean," She said sincerely. "It's no problem," She replied. "I don't understand why you're doing all this for Tavish." She spoke in an upset tone. "Like, why are you letting him use you like this?"

"Bean, I'm only helping Tavish get closer to his goal. These relationships are essential for the kingdom of Dreamland," said Cecilia. "Tavish aims to do as much as possible when he becomes King. You know he's been working hard for a long time."

"Yeah...whatever..." Bean said bitterly as she turned away from her.

"Bean dear, you should try to support your brother," said Cecilia. "He's working hard to try and achieve goals, and it would be nice if you could-"

 Bean cut Cecilia off, "Look, it was nice seeing you again, Cecilia, but I got a bounty to drop off," said Bean, turning around to look at her. Bean, along with Elfo and Luci, hop back on the horse and ride off to the bounty center, leaving Cecilia to sigh and frown. Once Bean returned the bounty to the center and received her earnings, the trio decided to head off to the secret spot and chill out with food. They would spend half the day hanging out at the secret spot, talking about random things and making jokes about Zog. They would leave the secret spot when evening came around and head back into town. As they strolled down the dirt path, the trio ran into Pendergast and Mertz.

"Oh, Princess Tiabeanie, have you seen Koga at all?" Pendergast asked.

"Uh, no, isn't he in the castle with you guys?"

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