Party at Number One Castle Drive Part 2

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Bean, Elfo, and Luci stood out in the courtyard with Odval and a few castle officials as they watched Zog and Oona depart. As soon as the gate closed, the castle officials cheered, and all ran inside the castle. Bean smirked and rubbed her hands. It was time to send out the invitations. Bean, Elfo, and Luci ran into the castle and went straight to Bean's room to grab all of the invitations that they made. They entered the turkey pin and began tying the invitations to several Turkeys. "And there we go!" She said, dusting off her hands. "And tomorrow...the biggest party in the kingdom will commence!"

    The following day, the castle was livelier than usual with the absence of King Zog. The castle officials, such as the maids, acted like themselves. People in love or fooling around were now out in the open as If they were outside the kingdom. Odval, who was in charge of ensuring everything was in order, was one of the many acting out of character. Odval didn't care much about trying to keep order in the castle. He, however, was secretly plotting with Sorcerio in private. Bean, Elfo, and Luci walked down the hallways and watched everyone delve into antics and chaos. "Now this is what I'm talking about!" said Bean, a big grin dawning on her face. "Oh my god, this party is going to be amazing!"

The trio stopped dead in their tracks when one maid and the chambermaid fell out of a broom closet. The two of them were in a heated makeout session. "Jeez, love birds, save it for the party," said Bean. They stopped and looked up at Bean.

"Sorry, Princess!" said The Chambermaid.

"Wait..." Bean stares at the maid that the chambermaid was on top of. "Tallulah? You and the chambermaid?"

"What can I say? I have a thing for people who are good at their job," Tallulah said shamelessly.

"So are we going back in the broom closet or...?" asked the Chambermaid.

"Oh hell yeah," Tallulah smirked.

The two would get their feet and head back into the broom closet. The trio could hear the sounds of the two making out from outside. After that, Bean, Elfo, and Luci were getting the ballroom and courtyard decorated for the party. Elfo and Luci placed up lights around the outside while Bean and a few castle maids decorated the inside. Food and alcohol were all placed on two different tables in the room. "This is looking great!" said Bean excitedly. She turns to the maids. "Thanks for the help, girls!" The maids waved at Bean and continued back to decorating.

"Turbish, be careful with that instrument!" said Pendergast.

Bean turned around and saw Pendergast, Turbish, and Mertz walk onto the ballroom stage and begin setting up their instruments. Turbish was setting up his piano while Mertz was setting up the drums. "Whoa, you guys have a bad? I didn't know you were interesting," said Bean, walking over to them.

"Right now, we mostly play corn exchanges, but a lot of times, people look up from what they are doing!" said Pendergast optimistically.

"Wow, maybe someday you guys will play Cornchella," said Bean.

"Oh. Hey guys! Has the party already started? Or is the kingdom's most eligible bachelor already here?" said Elfo, smiling from ear to ear as he walked into the ballroom wearing a ruff around his neck.

"I don't know. Has anyone other than you showed up?" Luci asked, annoyed.

"Daww, look at you!" Bean squealed. "I think he looks cute. Like the mayor of Babyville!"

"Why do you always have to compare me to a baby?" said Elfo. He crossed his arms and frowned. "I'm a cute man!"

"Oh yes, you are!" said Bean, smiling as she squished Elfo's cheeks, causing him to laugh at the touch.

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