The Confidence with Fairy Dust

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"I've been thinking about having a party," said Bean as she lay on her bed. "I've wanted to start one since they were invented four years ago!"

"A party, huh? I'm down for that," said Luci.

"That sounds cool," said Elfo, but he then bore his usual worried expression and said, "But...I don't think your dad will be happy about a party in the castle."

It was evening, and Bean, Elfo, and Luci were all hanging out in Bean's room. Bean was banished to her room after calling her father, King Zog, and uber tubby. The trio spent the beginning of the evening just lying about and talking about whatever came to their minds. Bean would lay up from her bed and look over at Elfo. 

"Oh, who cares what he thinks? Do you know how awesome it would be for me to throw a party in the castle?" The Princess said with an excited grin.

"Ok, but how are you going to host a party with your dad around?" asked Elfo.

"Easy, I already have it planned out. My dad will get together with the Duke of Twinkle Town in a few weeks. The day he's going to leave will be on the weekend! It'll be perfect!"

"I don't know, Bean. I don't think this is a good idea," Elfo said worriedly.

"Oh, come on, Elfo. Lighten up," said Bean, looking at Elfo with an annoyed expression. "I hardly ever get to do things like this. For once, I want to at least feel like an average teenager and not some princess that every guy in Dreamland is afraid of being with because of my tyrant father and stupid older brother."

"People are scared of your twin brother?" said Luci. "How could anyone be scared of that nerd? Doesn't he lock himself in his room all day?"

"Tavish killed my first boyfriend," said Bean.

Elfo and Luci's eyes widened. "You're kidding..." said Luci, In disbelief.

"Nope," Bean said, shaking her head. "Tavish cut his head off himself."

"NOICE!" said Luci.

"Well... that's taking the overprotective brother role a bit too far...." Elfo stated.

"And that's why I'm hoping he leaves with Dad. I won't have that asshole anywhere near my party," said Bean angrily.

"I don't know, Bean. Now that I know he did that, maybe It would be entertaining to have him around," said Luci, smirking.

"Or maybe we should play it safe and have the party somewhere else that's not the castle?" Elfo suggested.

"Ugh, Elfo, I want to have the party here at the castle. I'm going to invite as many people from Dreamland as possible," she said, crossing her arms. "Elfo, I want you to be there when we have the party, but I don't want you to bring the mood down with your overly cautious attitude."

"W-Wait, I can stop being overly cautious, I swear! This party is going to be amazing, Bean!" Elfo said frantically.

"Come to think of it," Bean scratches her cheek. "I wonder if Koga wants to come."

Elfo's heart would drop. "Koga?"

"Yeah!" Bean gleamed, and she hopped out of bed. "I have to have him there! The party would be even better!"

"I mean, yeah, it would be great, and all, but Koga is pretty anti-social, and you know he doesn't like being around a bunch of people, so maybe it's best that you do-"

"Elfo," said Luci.

"What?" Elfo replied, turning to face Luci. Luci points forward and sees that Bean already left. Elfo sighed sadly, resting his chin in both his hands. "Oh, man..."

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