The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 10

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       The defence force and the order of the sword soldiers charged at each other, screaming their battle cries. Swords and axes clanged together violently. Defence force soldiers swung their axes and dug their blades into the skulls of the order soldiers. Blood splattered on their armour and faces as other defence force soldiers stabbed their swords in their stomachs. But the defence force wasn't completely dominant. Order soldiers were slicing the throats of Defense force soldiers easily as they parried their incoming attacks. Freya, along with Koga, was taking down order members with ease. Of course, Freya didn't mindlessly swing her sword slavishly at her enemies. Freya was precise with her attacks. She read the enemy's movements carefully. Freya parried every incoming attack order soldier threw her way and sliced open their stomachs. Their blood and organs hit the ground as Freya slices off their head, finishing him off. Sophie was ducking and swaying from enemy attacks. She avoids one attack, slices off her assailant's arm, and then stabs him in the heart. Sophie yanked out the sword and quickly turned around, blocking a heavy attack that knocked her to the ground. Her sword was sent flying out of her hand. The order member took advantage and thrust his sword at her. Sophie rolls out of the way, takes an arrow from her hoister, gets to her feet, and stabs the arrow in the order soldier's right eye. She yanks out the arrow, loads it into a bow, and fires it into the throat of an enemy attempting to stab Koga in the back. He gargles, and blood spits out from his mouth as he falls flat on his back. "WATCH YOURSELF, KOGA!" Sophie warned. "THANKS!" Koga called out to her.

An Order member charges at Koga, and he swings his blade at him. Koga quickly parries the incoming attack causing his enemy to stumble back. Koga grips his sword and slices the Order member in two. Koga grabs the sword from the slain soldier and sprints towards a crowd of Order Soldiers. Koga, duel-wielding two swords, begins cutting down each enemy that gets in his way. A swift cut in the throat, two heads cut off, a vertical cut on one, then a barrage of cuts on another. Out of the corner of Koga's right eye, he could see a sword heading straight for his head. He leans back, avoiding the blade as a strand of his hair is cut. "So close!" said Hector with a grin on his face. Koga manoeuvres around Hector's blades, spins, and swings his blade near Hector. Hector holds up his arm, and the blade hits it with a KLANG. Koga looked at Hector's arm, confused. Then he realizes that he is wearing metal gauntlets. Hector shoves away Koga's sword and swings his sword. Koga blocks his attack, and the two begin their dual. Koga was on the offensive. Hector could block most of Koga's attacks, but Koga's aggressiveness, combined with his skill with the blade, was beginning to push Hector back. "Just as I expected!" Thought Hector. "Strong, swift, no mercy. It's the reason why I recruited you, Koga!"

   As Koga swings his second sword at Hector. Hector grasp the sword with his hands. "Idiot," Koga thought. "You want to lose your fingers, huh? FINE!" Koga attempted to pull away..but he couldn't. "WHAT?"

That's when Koga took a good look at Hector's hand. His arm wasn't the only thing wrapped up in some metal plating. Hector's hand was wrapped in a metal glove. Hector crushes the middle of the blade, breaking it in half. Koga was now back to only using one short sword. "Great, armoured gloves..." Thought Koga as he glared down at Hector.

"I love wearing these!" said Hector happily. "It's good when I need to put some fool in their place. Sometimes cutting or killing doesn't do the trick."

Koga scuffs, tosses the broken sword away and holds the spare sword with both hands. The two of them would continue their fight. Sparks fly from their blades.

Freya was on the lookout for Lavander. She cuts, stabs, and beheads anyone that gets in her way. "WHERE ARE YE? COME OUT AND FACE ME, YOU PURPLED-HAIRED COW!" She bellowed as she slashed her way through more order soldiers. Freya had this weird feeling that went up her spine. Freya turned around and moved her head to the right, narrowly dodging a thrust attack from Lavander's rapier that left a shallow scratch on her cheek. Lavander slowly lowered it with a smirk. "Ooooh! I almost got you there!" Lavander said with a giggle.

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