The Prince, The Demon and The Pig

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"Uggh..." Groaned Luci as he sat on the windowsill in the stone hallways of Dreamland castle. Luci was a rather bored cat-I mean demon, on this uneventful Wednesday evening. Elfo was off tending to Sagatha's garden, and Bean was off planning the party that was happening next weekend. Luci was the only one who wasn't keeping himself busy. He usually tries to start chaos by motivating Bean to do something crazy, or he'd pick on Elfo. Now, it was just him at the castle all by himself with nothing to do or anyone to bo-

"Oh my god, look at that cute cat!" said the Tanned skin housemaid.

"Oh gosh, it's so cute! And he has so much swagger!" said The blond housemaid.

And just like that, Luci wasn't bored anymore.

Luci sits up and greets the housemaids. "Well, hello, ladies!" he said smoothly. The blond housemaid scratched under Luci's chin while the tanned skin burnet house-made softly petted the top of his head. "Ahhh yeaaah..." If there was one thing that Luci loved receiving, it was head pats, chin rubs, AND ESPECIALLY belly rubs. But before Luci could receive that belly rub, the girls were interrupted by a squealing noise that made the housemaids gasp.

"Oh, my heavens, I did not mean to startle you lovely ladies!" said Merkimer, smirking up at the housemaids. "I never would've thought I'd run into such lovely maids as you!"

"Ewwww!" said The housemaids.

"Oh my god, who let this stupid pig in here?" said The blond housemaid.

"Ugh, I don't know, but it's totally killing the vibe! Let's go! Ugh!" said the Tanned skin housemaid as the two left.

Luci glares down at Merkimer. "Good job Bacon. You just made me lose out on some well-deserved belly rubs!"

"I'm sorry, friend," said Merkimer, frowning. Luci would quickly reply, "I'm not your friend," but Merkimer ignores this. "It's been so hard to talk with anyone while I look like this! People shun me away; women look at me with disgust. What's worse is that my best friend Tavish doesn't even want to hang out with me!"

"Dude, I don't think Tavish ever wanted to hang out with you at all," said Luci.

"SIGH!" said Merkimer as he turned over on his back. "Oh Luci, how do you attract so many lovely maidens?"

"Sorry, man, you can't get the Luci charms. I was just born with it," said Luci.

"There has to be some advice you can give me!" said Merkimer desperately.

"I could give you some advice," said Luci, lighting a cigarette with his tail. "BUT IT'll COME AT A GREAT COST!" He suddenly shouts as he glares down at Merkimer. His voice was deeper and more menacing. But he would revert to his normal tone and says, "Occasionally, I get to ride you around like a horse." He said as he exhaled some smoke.

"Deal," said Merkimer.

Merkimer and Luci would hear footsteps coming down the hall and a familiar voice. Tavish was walking down the stone halls, and Ceclila followed closely. "You don't have to come with me, Cecilia," said Tavish, reading through notes he took. "I'll be just fine on my own." 

Cecilia shook her head and said, "You're meeting up with Prince Finly from the Bed Rock Kingdom, my Prince—one of the Prince's you hate the most." 

Tavish scoffs, "I hate them all equally, Cecilia."

"TAVISH, MY BUDDY, OL PAL!" Merkimer gleamed.

Tavish stops and looks down at Merkimer. He would then continue walking and continuing his conversation with Cecilia. "He's a perverted man, Cecilia. I'd rather you not come," He said. Cecilia looked over at Merkimer, who was following close behind. "I, umm...there's no need to worry about me. I'm sure he wouldn't make an advance with all the knights around." She said as Luci began following them. "He's a pampered prince who his parents never said no to. Combine that with all his power in Bedrock, and look what it creates."

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