The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 12

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   Bean had woken up around evening time. But she didn't get out of bed till an hour later. When she woke up, she stayed in bed thinking about Dreamland. Bean began to think about what Koga was going to do. Did he completely forget about his mission to take her back to dreamland? This was something Bean had to find out right away. Bean yanks the covers off her, gets out of bed, and then heads down the hallway to Koga's room. Bean stood before Koga's door, took a deep breath, and knocked.

"Oh my god, Barbara, you don't have to keep knocking on my door every five minutes!" said Koga, opening the door. "Oh, it's you." 

Bean smiled at Koga. "Hey," She said, holding up her hand.

"Sup?" said Koga

"Oh, I just needed to talk to you, is all. Can I come in?"

"Sure," Koga shrugged as he stepped aside and let Bean into his room. Bean sits in a chair next to Koga's bed and brushes her hair aside. "So, what's up?" He laid back down in his bed and stared at her. 

"Oh, uh..." Bean didn't know where to begin. "Well, firstly, how are you holding up?"

"So far, so good. Nothing I haven't dealt with before," Koga replied. 

"You're something, you know that?" said Bean smiling at Koga.

"I guess so," said Koga, rocking his foot on the base of the bed. "A warrior's willpower is an important thing to have when you're out there adventuring." 

   Bean places her eyes back onto the floor. "Yeah, that's true." She nods. "So...are you going to stay in Southwold?"

"Nope," Koga replied quickly. "I'm planning on leaving tomorrow."

Bean snaps her eyes back on Koga."O-Oh...R-Really? It looked like you were getting comfortable back here and all..."

"It was nice seeing everyone again. But it's time for me to get back on my travels. They don't call me Koga the Wanderer for nothing," He said as he slowly lay up, grunting as he did so.

"And...what about me, Elfo, and Luci?" Bean asked, watching Koga carefully. "What are you going to do?"

Koga looks over at Bean. The two stared at each other momentarily before Koga turned to look out the window on his left. "I don't know..." He murmured.

Bean looked at him, confused. "You don't know? Are you not going to take me back to Dreamland or not?"

    Koga scratches the back of his head. "Honestly, I haven't thought about the mission I was given since returning home. I was caught up with what was happening here in Southwold; it slipped my mind completely," He let out a big yawn, then looked over at Bean. "You know you had plenty of opportunities to run off. When the Order of the Sword attacked, you and your friends could've snuck out of here."

"And what? Run away?" Bean said, taken aback by Koga's comment, and she sprang from her seat. "Everyone in this town has been so good to me! How could I just run off and let everyone fight? Hell no!"

   Koga wasn't going to lie. Her saying that did impress him. Which also reminded him. "Thanks for helping Freya," He said earnestly. "I don't think I could live with myself knowing that...she was wasn't with me anymore..." He stared at the headboard of the bed.

    The small rage that Bean felt was quickly washed away by Koga's gentle words, "Oh problem..." She said, sitting back down in her seat. Bean looked over at Koga and stared into his bright green eyes. They looked relieved...and sad at the same time. "Sorry about  yelling..." She said as she began to feel bad about her outburst.

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