Party at Number One Castle Drive Part 1

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"A party at the castle?" said Hilda, shocked.

"Yeah! My dad will be out of town for a meet-up with the King of Skyland! And he'll be gone till Sunday!" said Bean.

Hilda laughed. "Wow, a party at that big castle of yours? That's going to be wild!" said Hilda, grinning.

Both Bean and Hilda were sitting at a table at the bar. The bar was packed as always on a Friday night, filled with its usual rowdy patriots. Bean was on her third beer mug while Hilda was still drinking hers. "It is going to be wild!" said Bean excitedly. "I'm going to throw the biggest party Dreamland has ever seen! I want this party to go down in history!"

"Well, if it's your party, it will be talked about for years!" Hilda chuckled.

"Do you want to come?" Bean asked.

"Me?" Hilda looked at Bean, surprised. "I don't know, Bean. I'm not too big on parties."

"Oh, come on, Hilda, it'll be fun! You can even invite your weird friends, too!"

"You say my friends are weird, but you have an Elf and a talking cat for friends," said Hilda sharply.

"Ok, ok, fair point, but you can still come!" said Bean, chugging her third beer.

Hilda thought about it for a moment. "Umm...will Tavish be there?"

Bean placed the mug on the table and burped. "Tavish? Uh...I honestly don't think he'd even consider my party. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, uh..." Hilda's cheeks went red. "I-I was just wondering, is all. I haven't spoken to him in a long time."

" you have a crush on Tavish?" Bean asked, her eyes widened.

"W-what? No, I don't, Bean! I just wanted to speak to him!" Hilda replied, flustered.

"Oh, come on, Hilda, I'm not new to this. Anyone can see that you have a crush from a mile away. But on Tavish?"

Hilda sighs, and she rubs her hands through her bright pink hair. "Well...ok, yes, I have a crush on Tavish. I've always liked him since we were little. I've never had a chance to tell him that. But before I knew it, I never saw him again." She stared sadly into her half-empty beer mug. 

"Oh..." Bean lowered her eyes. Bean didn't want Tavish anywhere near the party at all...but... "Well...I can try to get him there if you can make it."

"Really? Oh, thank you, Bean!" Hilda gleamed. "Oh, my goodness...I'm going to need a dress! And I need to fix up my hair!"

"I can get you a dress if you want. I am a princess, after all."

"No, I can get my own dress, but thank you, Bean!" Hilda said with a smile. "Speaking of crushes, what's up with you and that Koga bloke?"

"Huh?" said Bean. It was her turn to blush.

"He's going to the party, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he said he was coming," Bean's heart started to pound as she thought about Koga.

"Soooo...are you going to do it?"

"Do what?!"

"Don't play dumb, Beanie, you know what I mean! Are you going to ask him out?" Hilda asked eagerly. 

"I-I-I I don't know, I might...I think...maybe?" Bean's cheeks were bright red as she spun her mug around with her fingers. "I'll worry about that when the party is off to an awesome start! And...when we're alone somewhere in the in a room...with a bed..."

Hilda laughs and ends up snorting. "Damn, Bean, you move fast!"

"I can't help it! He's so freaking cool!" said Bean, laying her head on the table.

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