The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 14

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     Bean, Elfo, Luci, and Koga rode the wagon through the dirt path after leaving Southwold. The wagon creaks and bumps a couple of times as it hangs over some rocks. As she stared at the cloud-covered sky, Bean was lying flat on her back. Bean closes her eyes, takes a deep breath of fresh air, and exhales. "Now, this is life," She said happily and opened her eyes. She spots a bird flying overhead.. "Traveling the road with my best pales and being free like the bird flying in the sky. I'm ready for anything that comes our way!"

   Luci was still lying on the mat in the carriage with a cigarette in hand and blowing out some smoke. Elfo was leaning on the wagon's side, looking out at the open fields from afar with an excited smile. Bean lays up, and she heads over to where Koga is sitting. She sits next to him. "So Koga the Wanderer. What kind of Adventures should we be expecting to get into?" She asked, beaming. 

"Hmm..." Koga began to think. "Well, we could get kidnapped by forest ghouls in an attempt to be sacrificed to some Demonic entity locked in a statue. Or maybe we run into a talking dog that takes us to a statue with a sealed demon prince, and we fight the people who worship it. OR! We find a book that sucks your mind into it, and you fight a bunch of tentacle monsters that lead you to an ancient being that tries to get you to be his pawn..."

 Bean, Elfo, and Luci all looked at him with shocked expressions. Bean would then say, "'ve been on some wacky ass adventures..." She seemed pretty concerned. 

"Why have all the adventures you've been in involved you either being sacrificed or dealing with some ancient demon?" Elfo asked in a concerned tone.

"I don't know!" Koga shrugged. "It just happens! Life is unpredictable!"

"I think I know at least two of the people you mentioned. One of them is a spoiled punk who can't grow a pair," said Luci as he took a puff and exhaled. "And he's a bitch."

"I want to fight a demon! I fought Luci once and hit him with a morning star," Bean said with a grin.

"And it didn't hurt, so I don't know why you brought it up..." Luci said bitterly.

Koga would chuckle at the three. "Anyways, the world is crazy. But that's what makes it fun. All I can say is that we keep going about what we're doing, and we'll run into some interesting situations." 

"Heck yeah!" Bean said with a grin.

"Let's just try not to run into any Ghouls, ok?" Elfo said with a nervous laugh.

"If it involves Koga over here, I'm sure we'll see one tonight," Luci said as he put out his Cigarette.

    Once the group had traveled a great distance, they all hopped out of the wagon to stretch their legs and nibbled on food to fill their stomachs. Elfo groaned a bit rubs his butt. "Man sitting in a wagon for a few hours can do some numbers on the bum-bum..." Koga lets out a yawn and then replies. "You'll get used to it" He stretches his arms and then pops his back. Bean lets out a soft yawn, then does a couple of stretches herself. "Man, I thought riding a horse for hours was uncomfortable..." She said, popping her neck a couple of times.

    Once Elfo was done with a couple of stretches, he looked up. In the sky were three vultures circling the spot close to where he was standing. Elfo looked forward, and he began walking. As he got closer, a figure could be seen lying on the ground face first. Elfo softly gasped and ran over to the figure only to see that It was a body. The man's clothes were torn and had tears in them. His body was covered in slashes and had purple sore bumps on his arms, neck, and stomach. "Oh my god..." He whispered sadly. "This poor man..."

"Hey Elfo, where'd you go?" Bean called out to him.

"Oh, I'm coming!" Elfo called back, "I found this-AHHHHHH!" The body that Elfo was looking at suddenly grabbed his hand and stared at him with bloodshot eyes. "HELP! YOU HAVE TO HELP MEEE!"

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