Knight's Festival Part 3

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The start of the festival did not look so good for Pendergast and the others. People were already singling out Dreamland just from judging the jousting match alone. The next contest was a test of bow and arrow. Four different knights would step onto the field. One knight from the white rose kingdom would shoot an arrow, almost hitting the bullseye. A knight from Garrison, Tibalt, waved to those in the bleachers as they cheered for him. He aims his bow and shoots his arrow, hitting a bullseye. Cheers and applause erupt for Tibalt. Other knights fired their shots, barely hitting a direct shot. 

Koga was the next step forward. Bean, Elfo, Luci, and Koga cheered as he loaded his bow, aimed, and fired. Koga's arrow was a perfect bullseye, 

"WOOHOO, GO KOGA!" Bean cheered him on, which resulted in a few side glares from Annable. Koga didn't stop there. He loads his bow and end-shoots the rest of the targets on the field. Tibalt and the rest of the knights' jaws dropped as they watched Koga land perfect shots on the targets. Koga lets out a sigh and rubs the back of his head. "Is this all I have to do?" He said, sounding bored. Pendergast, Turbish, Mertz, and a few Dreamland knights congratulated Koga. Tibalt and the Skyelands Knight Timmothy all gave cold looks at Koga.

The next showcase was a gauntlet run. This contest would showcase the endurance of all knights active in this contest. The knights competing in this, Mertz, Timothy, and a few nameless knights, gathered at the start zone. The gauntlet they were running was pretty standard. It had obstacles to jump over, walls to climb, and things to crawl under. A few people also stood on the sidelines to toss objects at the contestants.

"Oh man, I don't know if I can do this..." said Mertz. He was sweating beads and had a worried expression on his face. Pendergast patted Mertz's shoulder softly and gave him a confidant smile. "Worry not, Mertz, this gauntlet is easy, and you will have no problem completing it!"

"Y-You think so?" said Mertz.

"I know so!" said Pendergast, giving Mertz a light tap on the back.

"Alright...I can do this! I can do this!" said Mertz, hyping himself up. Tibalt, Timothy, Mertz, and a few unnamed Knights gathered at the starting line. They all waited for the signal. Once the horn went off, they all began running. The first obstacles were carriage wheels placed across the ground. Tibalt and Timothy were ahead of Mertz and the other knights. They passed through the first course, hoping over the obstacles carefully without any trouble. The men on the sidelines tossed rotten fruit at the two, but to their disappointment, they dodged each one. However, the rest of the knights and Mertz were having trouble. The obstacles they were hoping for were causing some knights to trip and fall over one another.

While not perfect, Mertz was making his way through the first obstacle, although he was pelted by rotten food. Tibalt and Timothy were neck and neck as they made their way to the next obstacle. Their task for this was a wall climb. The first wall was short enough for them to finish in seconds. The second wall took them a minute, and the last was longer and more challenging to climb. Mertz was lagging as he struggled to climb the first wall. Tibalt and Timothy were keeping up with each other as they climbed the long wall. Tibalt's left hand slipped, and he dangled. The crowd gasped as they watched. Mertz had miraculously made it over the second wall and pants. He began to wonder if he could even get over the next wall.

But a few women screamed in the crowd. Mertz looked up, seeing Tibalt and Timothy falling from high up and landing flat on their backs. Mertz gasped and could hear Pendergast, Turbish, and a few other Dreamland knights cheering him on and telling him to climb. Mertz grabbed on and began climbing as fast as he could. 

"Mertz!" Turbish called out to him. "Whatever you do! Don't look down!" 

Mertz had unfortunately looked down, and a look of dread filled his face. "AHHH! I'M LOOKING DOWN!" He cried. 

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