The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 6

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"Fergus..." whispered Koga as he removed his hand from the now-passed soldier. Bean looked at Koga as he stood, towering over her and the other citizens. Bean looked at Koga with a worried expression on her face. 

"Fergus? Who's Fergus?" She asked. But Koga turned around and hurried off. "Koga?!" Bean called out to him. Koga would walk past Freya. Freya noticed the expression on his face. She tried to ask him what was wrong, but he didn't say as he continued walking to Barbara's inn. 

Freya looked forward at the crowd of people that was gathered around in a circle. Freya moved past a couple of people and gasped. "ERIC!" she kneels and places her ear against his chest. There was no sound of a heartbeat. Freya took a closer look at the body. Eric had what looked like bite marks around his neck and body. The colour of the bite marks was dark purple. Freya pulled up the man's shirt to reveal a large hole with dark purple ooze leaking from it. Freya clenches her teeth and punches the ground. She gets up and turns to everyone with fury in her eyes. "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?" She bellowed. Her emotions were riding high.

"H-He came out of the forest on a horse all cut up!" said Elfo backing away and hiding behind Bean's legs.

"He was saying something about someone named Fergus in the forest!" said Bean, backing away from Freya's rage.

Freya's eyes widened. "Fergus?" Then she began to remember. "Oh-Oh no! Oh no! Where's Koga?!"

"He went back to the inn," said Bean.

 Freya clenched her fist and returned to Eric's cold, lifeless body. Her eyes squinted down at him in sorrow. One of the men in the crowd stepped forward and placed her hand on Freya's shoulder. "Freya, we'll take care of the body and inform the headquarters. You can go after Koga. You know how he is," he whispered to her.

    Freya looked on the verge of tears, but she held them back and nodded. "Right," she said, pulling herself together. She turned around and rushed past everyone to the inn. Bean, Elfo, and Luci followed along.

"Wait, Freya!" Bean called out to her. "Who was that guy?"

"That was Eric," Freya said as he wiped some tears from her eyes as they were about to fall. "He was one of the men that trained me growing up and was one of Fergus's soldiers. They were on a search and rescue mission to find missing citizens. Fergus was the man that found Koga years ago...he's like a father to him.."

"Oh man..." whispered Bean.

"I know what he's going to do! Koga is hot-headed he'll-KOGA!" Freya suddenly whaled. Koga was already on his horse and snapped the reigns, and the horse took off riding past the four of them. "KOGA, YOU FOOL! YOU CAN'T GO BY YOURSELF! KOOGAA!" Koga rode past the group of people who had gathered up Eric's body and headed into the forest.

  Freya uttered multiple curse words in a second as she hurried to the stables and hopped onto a horse. Bean rushed over to her. "Wait, let us come too. We can help!" Freya stared down at them for a moment. "Are ye sure? I don't want you holding us back!"

"Koga saved us multiple times when we met him! I want to pay him back!" said Bean determinedly. Freya let out a quick sigh. "Ok! Grab a horse!" She yelled. "Here, take my extra sword!" She tossed it to Bean, and she caught it.

"Bean, are you sure about this?!" said Elfo as he and Luci followed her to the horse. "Who knows what they could be running into in that forest!"

"Look, Koga's saved our butts twice! As strong as he is, I'm sure even he has limits!" said Bean as she hopped onto the horse. "And If I can help Somehow, I'll do it!"

"That's the spirit, Beanie!" said Freya as her horse trotted along the path.

"Freya!" said The man as he returned, "I told the defence force what happened! They're picking a team to accompany you!"

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