Gentle Giantess Part 1

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Koga was fast asleep in his bed in the middle of the night. His snoring was loud enough to be heard through the doors and even echoed down the hall slightly. A few knights entered the room, Sir Mortimer and Sir Edger. Sir Mortimer was a long-faced, brown-haired knight, and Sir Edger was a slim, black-haired knight. Sir Mortimer looked over at Koga and said. "Sir Knight Koga is here? I thought he left with Sir Pendergast and the others. Isn't he second in command?" he asked Sir Edger.

 Sir Edger would shrug, "I don't believe he was around when Princess Tiabeanie sent Pendergast and the others out."

"What did she send them out for again?" Edger asked.

"Something to do about that Elfo, apparently," Mortimer replied. "Something about his girlfriend? She's huge from what I've heard."

"A small elf and a big girl? How does that work?"

"Well, anything's possible if you have enough love," said Mortimer.

"Oh, that's cliché, Sir Mortimer," Edger would chuckle. "I'm also surprised Koga wasn't told to go."

Sir Mortimer would scoff. "Well, Koga is one of the princess's favorites. If you know what I mean," He nudges Sir Edger. "I heard during the party the princes held that she took him off to somewhere more private." He smirked.

"Is that so? My goodness, I had no idea that Sir Koga-"

Koga would suddenly lay up from his bed, causing the two knights to jump in surprise. Koga's hair was a mess, and it covered his face. Mortimer and Edger looked terrified. "S-Sir K-Knight Koga, we were just-we didn't mean to-" Edger stuttered.

Koga would let out a big yawn before scratching the back of his head. "I'm not a knight..." He said tiredly. "And you two dumbasses woke me up with your yammering..." He reaches under his bed, pulls out a comb, and tends his unkempt hair. "What was that about Pendergast and the others?"

"Oh, well, they've just returned, captain!" said Mortimer. "Pendergast and the others were sent on a crusade to find Elfo's girlfriend!"

Koga paused his combing. "To find Elfo's girlfriend?" He repeated, confused. "Wait, when did Elfo get a girlfriend?"

"We were just as surprised as you! She's a giant, too!" said Edger. "Not in the way of being fat or anything. She's an actual giant!"

"That makes no sense whatsoever," said Koga, getting up from his bed and walking to the door. He shoves aside the knights and walks out of the room. "I'm starving..." Koga strolls down the stone hallways, still feeling sleepy. The only thing that was on his mind was food, causing his mind to be distracted.   "Ham...ham...chicken..." He kept repeating over and over till-"WHOA!" He slips and falls on his back. "Ow...."

"I tried to warn you, but it was too late..." said Miri. "Hi, Koga."

"Hi Miri..." said Koga.

"Did you see the giant lady that the knights brought back?"

"You mean Elfo's supposed giant girlfriend?" Koga replied as he got to his feet. "No, I haven't."

"Giant girlfriend?" Miri repeated, stunned. "Wait, Elfo has a girlfriend?"

"I guess? I don't know. I'm too lazy to ask anyone else. I'm hungry, and now my back is slightly wet."

"I can go sneak in some food from the kitchens If you share some of your pudding with me,"

"Wait, wouldn't they see you though?"

Miri squints her eyes at Koga.

Koga stared down at Miri before suddenly realizing, "Oooooh, right...right..." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. Well, in that case, deal!" Koga nodded as he shook hands with Miri.

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