Knight's Festival Part 1

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It was one of those days when King Zog gathered the family, along with Odval, to meet. Usually, a conference like this would be in the Knights of the Zog table meeting room. But since this involved everyone, and Zog didn't feel like walking to the meeting room, he decided to host this meeting in the throne room. Bean, Tavish, Derek, and Odval were all listening to Zog ramble on about what he expects from the upcoming get-together with the neighboring kingdoms.

"And that goes for you two degenerates!" Zog spat as he placed his angry gaze upon Bean and Tavish. Bean rolled her eyes as she slumped on her throne. Tavish looked disinterested and wasn't paying much attention to his father's words as he turned a page in his book. "HEY! SMART GUY!" He yelled at Tavish. "Are you listening to what I'm saying?!"

Tavish looked up from his book, bearing his usual stoic expression. "No, father, not really." He replied dryly as he placed his eyes back on his book. You don't need to inform me how I'm supposed to talk to anyone in the neighboring kingdoms. Although I do think Bean needs a fresh reminder."

"Oh, don't even start with me," said Bean, looking over at her twin. "It's not my fault that a bunch of fancy dandy royals can't handle the energy I bring to the table."

"You mean the energy you brought a few months ago at the Twinkle Town party we got invited to?"

"I was the life of that party!"

"You got drunk and took off your whole dress, sister,"

"As I said, I was the life of that party," She crossed his arms and looked away from Tavish. "And also, it was a WINE party!"

Tavish sighed. "You were not supposed to drink the wine, sister. You were supposed to admire the taste and then spit it out to avoid getting drunk."

"THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!" Bean exclaimed as she threw her arms in the air. "That defeats the whole purpose of wine! It's so stupid!"

"Oh, sister," Derek chimed in. "You're never going to get into the wine club with that attitude."

"Shut up, Derek!" Bean snapped.

"You shouldn't speak to your little brother that way. It's not ladylike," said Tavish.

"How about I shove my fist through your head?" Bean said, glaring a hole through Tavish.

"ALRIGHT, BOTH OF YOU ZIP IT!" shouted Zog, finally having enough of their bickering. "When handling royal duties, BOTH OF YOU are terrible. Tavish, you can't ever treat a woman right! You have someone in your hands, and then you say something STUPID!"

"I speak nothing but the truth," said Tavish. The makeup most princesses wear makes them look like clowns."

"YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SPEAK THE TRUTH!" Zog yelled. "You better not mess up your 

"And you wonder why I avoid wearing so much," said Bean.

"Radish," said Oona. "You need to start treating women with respect. I know you're more of a gentleman than that."

"It's Tavish, Oona..." he said, glancing at his giggling sister and brother. And I do have respect for the opposite sex—just not the lousy ones."

"With all due respect, Prince Tavish," said Odval, stepping forward. "You must have a queen by your side as King. It is the Tradition of all Royalty."

"How unfortunate for the Kingdom then," said Tavish. "I don't need someone by my side to rule a kingdom. All they'll do is be an eyesore."

"Well, that's just too bad for you, smart guy," said Zog. "And speaking of tradition, we have the honor of hosting the annual Meeting of The Knights this year, and we're not about to ruin relationships with neighboring kingdoms anymore!"

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