Bandits of the Plains

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"No..." said Koga, shaking his head.

"Alright...what about this one?" Pendergast placed another piece of paper down.

"Are you kidding me? We can get two knights to take care of that..." Koga replied.

"What about these?" said Bean placing a piece of paper down on the table.

"That one sounds so boring!" Koga cried.

"Jeez you're picky you know that..." said Elfo, looking at Koga. 

The group was looking through quest forms that were sent to Dreamland. There were at least three boxes full of them. They had been going through these boxes for at least half an hour to find one that would suit what Koga was trying to do. Koga huffs. "Man, this is giving me memories of the stupid fetch quest that I would do back when I started my adventures. Seriously, how does someone lose a necklace on top of a mountain surrounded by frost trolls? Like, why were you up there, and how did you escape?!" He said as he rocked back and forth with his legs propped on the table. Luci picked up one of the papers and read through it. "A farmer has lost his cow in the enchanted forest and needs assistant retrieving it." Luci placed down the paper and picked up another. "Somebody stole my sweet roll. Please look for the culprit..."

"UGH! What the heck is up with these people? What the hell do I care about a damn sweet roll?" Koga said annoyed. "And how do sweet rolls end up being stolen?"

Elfo bats his eyes at Koga "I have you know that sweet rolls are the best desserts you can ever have!" He said in an offended tone.

"I'm with Elfo on this one," said Bean "I'd kill someone if they stole my sweet roll."

Pendergast continued to read more requests "I'm starting to see why we never responded to half of these. Annnd...I think most of the people who sent these are dead."

"Good. That means we don't have to do any of these," said Koga

"Well, Koga I guess none of the requests you're looking for are in here," Bean said setting the papers down. Koga lets out a groan and scratches his head. "Jeez, this kingdom is bland when it comes to stuff like this!" Bean nods "Yeah nothing too exciting happens around here. Well besides you arriving and crashing the wedding." She giggled.

"Well, I'm sure some of these are still active. I say we go ahead and help a few of these people out!" said Elfo

Koga shrugs "Sure that works I guess..." He said in a disappointing tone as he reached for one of the papers. But before Koga could read it the door to the room opened up and a man named Harold stepped in. He was a short man with black hair and a thin mustache. He clears his throat. "DREAMLAND HAS BEEN GIVEN ANOTHER QUEST! THE NOTORIOUS BANDITS OF THE PLAINES HAVE ARRIVED IN THE DREAMLAND AND ARE WREAKING HAVOC!"

Koga looked over at Harold. At first, he made an annoyed expression at his loud yelling, but his eyes widened, and he springs to his feet. "Bandits of the Plains?" A grin appeared on Koga's face "EXCELLENT!"

"Huh? Bandits of the Plains?" Bean repeated confused.

"AH! I've heard of these men!" said Pendergast. "They're a gang of bandits that originated in the far Lands of Herrington! They made the plains their base of operation. I heard that the leader is fierce and unforgiving! A monster, a true bandit! His-"

"Ok ok I get it Pendergast. The guy is a real beast," said Bean as she rolled her eyes.

Koga slams his right fist into his left hand while a grin was across his face. "Alright, we found our quest! Pendergast let's get the knights together and head out!" He said turning around to the door. Bean gets up from her seat "We're coming too!" She said excitedly. "NO!" said Pendergast holding his hand out to Bean. "This is a quest to defeat a ferocious team of Bandits! The battlefield is no place for a woman!" Koga laughs "Pendergast I got a friend back at my hometown that would cut off your head if she heard you say that!" He said as he gives a rough slap on Pen's back. "Bean can come of course. She can handle herself." Bean smiled at Koga. She turned to Pen and stuck her tongue out at him before she followed Koga along with Elfo and Luci.

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