The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and the Wanderer Part 2

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                    "Oh...just look at're such a precious little girl..."

   Bean laughed as her mother, Queen Dagmar, picked her up and held her in her arms. She smiled at her as Baby Bean began laughing and giggling. "Oh, sweetheart, you're destined for great things. You will be the key that this world needs. You'll see soon enough, my love." Dagmar said softly as she kissed Bean on her head. That's when her mother's voice began to fade out, and the sound of another familiar voice replaced it.

"Bean, come on! Wake up! Bean!" shouted Elfo, gently shaking Bean. The snowy-haired princess let out a groan as she slowly opened her eyes. 

"Elfo?" Bean said softly, looking at the green elf. 

"Oh, thank god! You're ok!" Elfo said in relief.

Bean slowly raises herself while holding her head. She then suddenly felt a sharp pain in her arm. "OW!" she yells.

"Bean, be careful! You have a bad cut on your right arm!" said Elfo worriedly. Bean looked around and saw they were surrounded by darkness. The only light source was the fire brimming from Luci's tail. 

"How long was I out for?" She asked. 

"About a minute or so..." Elfo replied. 

  Bean looked up and saw the hole they had fallen through. "That's a long climb up..." She sighed. 

"And that's why we're not going to climb," said Koga. "We're not in a hole. We're on an underground pathway. Areas like this are made years, maybe even centuries ago. It's not surprising the place is collapsing in. That's how we ended up down here." He said as he got to his feet. Luci walked forward, revealing the pathway straight ahead of them. "The only way out is forward."

"What do you think is down here?" Elfo asked timidly. 

"Who knows," Luci replied. He grins at Elfo. "Demons bigger than me. Maybe even monsters and skeletons."

"That's not funny, Luci!" Elfo snapped at him with a glare.

"The cats not wrong." Koga agreed, and Luci grumbled at being called a cat. "There's a good chance those things would be down here,"

"Oh...well, that just makes everything better," Elfo said, letting out a defeated sigh.

"Enough jabbering. We need to get moving," Koga said as he placed his greatsword around his back.

"OW!" Bean uttered a louder, painful cry as she held her arm. She looked at the cut and saw that blood was seeping through. "Oh I'm going to lose an arm..."

"N-No, there has to be some way to take care of this!" Elfo said fearfully.

"I think it'll be pretty cool for you to be known as the princess with one arm!" Luci said, letting out an evil laugh.

 Koga walks over to Bean and kneels to her. He reaches into his pocket and takes out a small plastic container with a green substance. He opens it and sits it on the stone floor. "Let me see your arm," he asks as she reaches out to him.

"Don't touch me! I'll take care of it myself," Bean replied resentfully. 

"Look, just let me take a look at it, ok? I have something that will help. Trust me." Koga said, staring into Bean's eyes. Bean was hesitant at first, but this pain was immense, and if he did have something that would help, she didn't have a choice. 

Bean sighed, "Fine..." She let Koga see her arm. Koga rolled up Bean's sleeve to reveal the large cut. 

 "Damn...that is a nasty cut. That's going to use up all of this," said Koga, as he dipped his fingers into the jar, covering it in the cream and then rubbing it on Bean's wound. Bean winces and shuts her eyes tightly.

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