The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 5

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   Bean was struggling to fall asleep. Her shoulder wound and the lingering thought of being taken back home had hindered her from having a good night's sleep. On occasions when she would drift off to sleep, she would be woken up by a random noise that would hit the inn. The remainder of the night consisted of Bean just staring up at the ceiling of her room and waiting to fall asleep. But before she could even drift off to sleep, she could hear the sound of the birds chirping along with the morning sun shining through the window. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me..." Bean groaned as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.

    Luci wakes up with a yawn and a stretch. He looks over at Bean. "Morning Princess! You look like you slept well!"

"Oh yeah, I slept like a log..." said Bean sarcastically.

    Elfo soon woke up with a yawn and a yelp. "Ow!" he said, rubbing the sore side of his face. "Well, it's better than yesterday."

    Luci looks over at Koga, who is still asleep and snoring pretty loudly. Luci rubs his chin and smirks. "Seems like the big guy over there is sleeping good,"

     He seemed to be in a deep sleep, so even the loudest sound couldn't wake him. Luci smirked and placed his eyes back on Bean. "Hey, Bean, why don't we make it easier on ourselves?" Luci placed his finger against his neck and made a cutting gesture.

    Bean and Elfo gasped "W-What? Luci, no way!" She said. 

"Yeah, Luci, that's going too far!" said Elfo chiming in.

"No, it's not," Luci disagreed casually. "It isn't unless you want a way of getting the freedom you want. And you can't get your freedom with the big guy over there getting in your way, right?" Luci grinned at Bean. "Come on, Bean, he's right there fast asleep, guard down and snoring up a storm. All you have to do is pick up the sword and just-" Luci made a gesture of stabbing the sword in Koga's chest.

"No way!" said Elfo as he rushed over to Bean and climbed onto her bed. "Don't listen to him, Bean; you're a sweet, loving, and caring person. You're not a murderer!"

"Ugh, ignore the Elf! If you don't want to be set up for some crazy arranged marriage, DO IT!" Luci continued.

"No, Bean, don't do it! What has Koga done to deserve that? Killing would just be cruel!" Elfo protested.

"Ignore him! Come on, do it! Do it, do it, do it!" Luci said eagerly.

     Both of them were right, thought Bean. If she wanted to escape without worry of being pursued, killing Koga was the way to go. But, as Elfo said, Koga didn't deserve that. So far, from what Bean has seen, Koga wasn't a horrible person like Noland. He seemed to be thoughtful and caring, and he didn't try anything weird or pervy with her. He patched up her first wound and saved the three of them twice. Bean sighed and shook her head "No...I can't do that...Elfo's right, Koga doesn't deserve that..." She said, turning her eyes away from Luci. These words gave Elfo a big smile on his face

"Suit yourself," Luci shrugged and hopped off the bed. "I'm going down to nab me a drink."

Then, there was a knock on the door. "Is anyone awake in there?" asked Barbara politely.

"Uh, yeah, we're awake, Barbara," Bean informed. "Well, except Koga."

    Barbara opened the door, and she stepped in. "Good morning, everyone! Bean dear, how's your shoulder?" She asked as she walked over to Bean.

"It's doing better than it was yesterday, although the pain kept me up all night," Bean said as she gently placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Oh Dear, I'm sorry you didn't get much sleep at all," said Barbara with a frown. I'll make sure to make you a nice breakfast!" She then turned to Elfo. "It seems the swelling has gone down! We just got to change out your bandages!"

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