Bounty Hunter Bean Part 2

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Once the group had gathered together what they needed, they were off. The bounty they are searching for is a bald man with a scorpion tattoo across his face who was last seen heading west of Dreamland. Bean, Elfo, Luci, and Koga would leave the kingdom and head west. Throughout the horse ride, Bean couldn't help but feel anxious as she thought about how the confrontation with the bounty would go. Bean would turn to Koga and ask,

"Uh hey, Koga..." said Bean


"So we HAVE to kill the bounty?" Bean asked hesitantly

"Yes," Luci replied

"Well, technically, you can kill or keep him alive. I choose to kill them," said Koga

Luci cackled. "Spoken like a true bloodthirsty bastard!"

"Well, I'm not comfortable with murder. So I think I'll knock him out or something..." said Bean.

Koga looks over Bean and raises a brow. "You're not comfortable with murder? Are you serious?" He said, dumbfounded. "You live in a castle where there's a torture chamber, and your dad has people beheaded daily, and you are uncomfortable with murder?"

"Well, for one, I'm not the one who caused those deaths," Bean would pause momentarily. "Well...not most of them anyways- BUT NOT ALL!"

"Didn't you also plan the murder of that merkimer guy?" asked Luci.

"THAT WAS YOUR IDEA!" said Bean, snapping her eyes at Luci.

"And you agreed to it sooooo..." Luci takes a puff of his cigarette and exhales.

Koga laughs and shakes his head. He clasped his hands, and his eyes were gleaming. "Oh, look at me, I'm a rebel princess who doesn't take shit from anyone, but I can't stand the sight of murder and blood. Ewww!" He mocked in a girly tone.

Bean glares at Koga and scoffs. "I can still be uncomfortable with it, jerk!" She

"Yeah, Koga, people aren't all bloodthirsty warriors like you!" said Elfo.

Koga looked over at Elfo with a glare, and he asked. "So why are you two coming again?" Luci would reply, "I am Bean's demon sent to corrupt her, so I have to come."

"And I'm here to ensure that Bean is safe from Luci!" said Elfo proudly.

"No, you're just a meat shield," said Luci.

"AM NOT!" Elfo shouted, offended.

Bean would roll her eyes. "Look, I don't want to kill anyone. If I can leave them alive, then that'll be fine with me,"

"Ok, ok," said Koga, giving in. "We're not going to kill the bounty. You win."

"Thank you," said Bean

"Well, this is going to be a boring hunt..." said Luci, disappointed.

"Good for you, bean!" Elfo praised.

The group would pass through the enchanted forest and continue west. They arrived at a small village and stopped to ask if they had seen the man they were looking for. One of the people they asked pointed them in a direction leading into the woods. The four of them headed toward the woods and trotted through. As Koga was looking for signs of anything that could tell him if the bounty had been through here. 

Elfo let out obnoxious groans of boredom. "Ugh... we've been riding for hours..." he said, yawning. This is so boring..." 

Bean snaps her eyes at Elfo and shushes him. "Elfo, quiet! If he's around, he'll hear you," She said quietly. Elfo sighed and said. "But I'm so hungry...and my bum-bum is stiff from sitting on this saddle." 

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