Chapter One

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"I love you!" Scott shouted from the hallway.

"I love you too!" Samantha, his fiancé shouted from the kitchen.

She quickly walked, well waddled to Scott and got up close to his face. Her pregnant belly was pressing against Scott's white dress shirt. Scott leaned down a little and pressed his lips against Sam's.

"I love you." He repeated.

"We love you too. Have a good day at work."

"Thanks babe." He kneeled down and lifted Sam's shirt up a little. "I love you my baby girl. Be good for momma." He earned a little kick and he smiled.

"Go before she starts kicking even more." Sam ushered.

"Bye babes." Scott called and walked out the door, checking his phone on the way down to the parking lot.

He got in the car and drove to the office. He was the CEO of his father's company. Although his parents lived in San Francisco and Scott lived in LA, his Dad had the company running in many places.

He listened to Beyoncé and drove through the early LA traffic. Fifteen minutes later, Scott pulled up outside the tall building and parked the car.

"Goodmorning Jenna." Scott greeted the receptionist as he walked past, humming and straightening his slim black tie.

"Goodmorning Mr. Hoying." The brunette smiled.

"Oh, Jenna, how many times have I told that's it's Scott, Mr. Hoying is my dad." Scott chuckled.

"Sorry." She called.

"Hope you have a good day, Jen."

"You too, Scott."

Scott got into the elevator and pressed the '7' button. On his way up, the elevator stopped multiple times as his colleagues got in and out.

He unlocked the door to his office and walked in. He opened a window and shrugged his jacket off.

On his desk there was one picture of his and his bestfriends; Alex, Chris, Justin, Hayden, Avi, Kevin. Another of him and his family and a final one of him and Samantha.

He smiled as he examined the photos and turned on his MacBook. Scott was looking through some documents on his MacBook and shuffling through papers on his desk, when there was a knock on the door and it creaked open.

"Goodmorning Scott." His assistant appeared and smiled.

"Morning Casper. What's up?"

"There's a conference that you have to attend."



"Alright. I'll be up in a minute."

"Alright. Do you need any assistance?"

"Would be great if you came as well."

Casper smiled and turned around, leaving the room.

Scott put on his suit jacket again and straightened his tie and fixed his hair. He closed the laptop and grabbed his phone.

He pressed the button multiple times for the elevator until the metal door slid apart.

Scott got his phone and called Sam.

"Hey Sam."

"Hey Scottie."

"I have a conference to attend."

"Good luck with that." Scott chuckled.

"Thanks. Be careful by the way. You know you shouldn't be doing much movement."

"I know, I'll be going to visit Vic."

"Be careful. My phone will be turned off."

"I know. I love you."

"I love you too, Sam and my little girl."

Scott hung up and turned his phone off. He stepped out of the elevator and made his way down the hallway.

He sighed as he walked through the door and closed it behind him.

Two hours of a long, boring conference have began. Two hours that were going to change his life. Completely.

Broken Love (Scömìche AU) [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now