Chapter Eighteen

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Mitch was crouching down at one of the small tables, his back facing the door.

"Are you okay, sugar?" Mitch asked Skylar.

"Yeah, but it's my birthday and I think daddy forgot."

"Awe, baby. He definitely hasn't forgotten. He wouldn't."

Mitch felt arms wrap around his shoulders from behind and a kiss being placed on his nape.

"Hey, Amore Mio." Scott whispered.

"Hey, big guy." Mitch turned around and connected his lips to Scott's.

"Sky, what's with the grumpy face?"

"Do you know what day it is?"

"Of course I do, it's June fifteenth." A smirk played at Scott's lips.

"She thinks you've forgotten about her birthday." Mitch whispered into Scott's ear.

"I would never." Scott replied and peeked at his sulking daughter. "Babe, come here. We're going home."

Skylar scrambled to her feet and pull her backpack onto her back. She scraped her feet along the floor as she walked.

"You're coming too, babe." The blond reached his hand out to Mitch, who was looking for something in his bag.

"Thought you wouldn't ask." Mitch giggled.

Mitch latched his hand with Scott's and they walked out to the parking lot. Sky was already at the car, her side leaning on the door of the backseat, waiting for Scott to unlock the door.

Scott unlocked the door and opened the door for Mitch, then himself got in on the other side. Sky sat in the back with her knees pulled to her chest and a sulk on her face.

They drove in silence, except the quiet sounds of music playing in the background.

Scott pulled up outside his apartment complex and again opened the door for Mitch.

Sky jumped out of the backseat and slammed the door behind her. She dragged her feet along the concrete ground as she walked to the door.

After the three got to the ninth floor, Scott opened the door and Skylar went in first.

The lights were all off and it was all quiet. The blond girl turned of the lights and heard a loud 'surprise!'

In front of her were: Millie, Luke, Grace, Alex, Avi, Kevin, Chris, Hayden, Justin, Scott's sisters, Connie and Rick.

She turned around to look at Scott, who had a big smile on his face. His arm was wrapped around Mitch's waist, who leaned into Scott's side and also smiled.

"You didn't forget!" Sky exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

"I would never, baby girl."

The small girl threw herself at Scott and she hugged him tightly.

She smiled up at Scott and hugged Mitch as well.

Sky ran back to the living room and hugged everyone.

They all said 'happy birthday' to her and she was loaded with hugs, kisses and presents.

"There's one more present for you baby." Scott smiled at Mitch and nodded.

Mitch went to Scott's bedroom and brought back a rather small box, that was wrapped in pink wrapping paper with a yellow bow on top

He handed it to Skylar and moved back into Scott's embrace and they both waited for her reaction.

She unwrapped the box and opened the lid. Inside was a red collar and leash. She looked up at Scott and Mitch with confusion.

"What's this for?" She asked.

"We are getting a puppy."

When she heard that, she started running around the apartment screaming.

She threw herself onto Scott, who was sat on the couch with Mitch. She cried and hugged him very tightly.

Later that night, Scott, Mitch and Skylar were sat in the car on their way to the pet adoption center.

Scott drove Millie and Luke to Mitch's apartment where they were meeting Kirstie.

They got to their destination and thy wandered for a while looking for a puppy.

"Daddy, I want that one!" Sky pointed at a German Shepard puppy.

She tugged at Scott's jeans and nagged about that one.

"Do you promise to take care of it?" Scott asked.

"Yes, daddy. I promise. Please can we have him?"

"Yes, we can."

After the whole ordeal was over, they were back in the car.

Sky sat in the back, nearly asleep with the puppy's head resting in her lap.

Soon enough, Scott pulled up at the apartment complex and parked the car.



"I have a present for you too."

"Why? There is no occasion?"

"No, there isn't but I love you very very much and I was thinking that maybe-" Scott pulled out a pair of keys. "I was thinking we could all move in together and be a family?"

"Oh my god, that is so sweet." Mitch leaned over the console and wrapped his arms around Scott's neck.

"Do you agree? I can always take the keys back."

"Of course, I agree silly."

"Good. I love you so much, Mitchie."

"I love you too, Scottney."


A/N; I MET JOEY GRACEFFA ON SATURDAY!! I GOT A HUG, PICTURE AND A SIGNED COPY OF HIS BOOK. Please feel free to see the photo on my Instagram:
- lolahoying_
- neverforgetyourdreams__

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