Chapter Fourteen

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For RheePtx

--- 4 years later ---

"Skylar, come on. We're going to be late!" Scott yelled from the living room.

Couple of minutes later, a dark blonde mess of hair popped into the room.

"Morning Daddy, morning Uncle Alex." Sky greeted.

"Morning sweetie." Alex grinned and swooped her up off the ground, hugging her tight.

"Babe! Do you want Lucky Charms or Reese's Puffs?" Scott called from the kitchen.

"Lucky Charms, obviously."

Scott and Alex chuckled and Alex set Skylar back down to her feet.

Scott was making breakfast for all of them, whilst Alex and Sky talked.

"Is your bag packed?"

"Yes, Uncle Alex."

"Are you excited?"

"I guess."

"You'll tell me all about it after?"

"Of course."

"And if anyone hurts you, go straight to the teacher and then tell me or daddy, okay?"

"Yes, uncle Alex."

"And what did we say about boys?"

"Don't let them pick on you and if they do tell the teacher or you or daddy. And no kissing until eighteen." Sky rolled her eyes.

"Come on people, Chef Hoying is serving breakfast."

"Such a posh entrance for a bowl of cereal, Scott." Alex chuckled and Sky laughed.

She sat down on a chair at the big table, and got her spoon, stuffing her mouth with lucky charms.

"Uncle Alex," he hummed, "can you be an amazing uncle and brush my hair for me?"

"Of course, aren't I an amazing uncle already?"

"Hmmm, I'd say uncle Avi and Kevin are better, so you gotta try harder."

"Damn Alex, looks like you gotta try harder and become the number one uncle."

"Daddy, I'm done. Come one, uncle Al."

"But I've not finished my breakfast, either have you."

"Yes, I have and so have you. Now let's go." She grabbed his hand and pulled on it.

Alex looked at Scott for help, but Scott just shrugged and smiled.

Skylar returned from the bathroom with a red brush and sat on the floor in front of the couch.

Alex brushed her hair and pinned parts of it up at the back with hair pins.

"Thanks, uncle Alex." Skylar kissed his cheek and hugged him. "Daddy, are we ready to go?"

"Yeah, go grab your gray cardigan and shoes and we're ready to go. Don't forget to say goodbye to uncle Alex." Scott called after Sky as she ran off to her room.

She stood in the hallway, wearing her gray knit cardigan and black kickers.

"Daddy, let's goooooo."

"Coming!" He turned to Alex, "Alex, thank you so much, you're literally the bestest friend I've ever had, I love you."

"Love you too, Scott. Remember what Sam said, move on. Find someone amazing. Anyway, I have to run, girlfriend awaiting."

He hugged Scott and went to Skylar, hugging her as well.

"Have fun in school, babe. See you later." Sky kissed his cheek and he was running out the door.

"Come on babe. Kindergarten awaits." Scott slipped into his slip-on Vans and grabbed his keys and Skylar's backpack.

They pulled up outside the building. Scott unbuckled his belt then went to the backseat to help his daughter.

She grabbed his hand as they walked to the door. Her breathing was sort of uneven.

"Daddy, I'm scared."

"All first days are scary, sugar. We'll get ice cream with Grace after, okay?"

"Okay." She smiled and hugged her dad.

"Be good, and make friends."

Sky ran off to a couple of girls that were talking. Scott smiled and turned around. His body collided with another and the person fell to the ground.

"Holy shit. Are you okay? I'm so sorry." The words spilled from the blonde's mouth and he reacted a hand out to help.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry." A high pitched voice said.

Scott's blue eyes were met with brown orbs, flecks of gold shimmering in them.

"Don't apologize." Scott was staring, causing the smaller man to blush.

"I'm sorry to ruin this moment, but I gonna run. Kids are waiting."

"Wait, you work here?"


"We'll see each other a lot then, my daughter is starting today. I'm Scott, by the way."

"I'm Mitch." He smiled, "I'll see you later then?"

"Of course."

The brunette turned around and disappeared into the building.

Broken Love (Scömìche AU) [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now