Chapter Fifteen

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The final bell rang and all the children filed out to their parents. Only Skylar was left behind.

Mr Grassi walked up to her and kneeled down to her level.

"Sky? What's up, sugar?"

"I got picked on today." She mumbled, her head down.

"By who?"

"Some boy in first grade, I think. He had brown hair and green eyes."

In that moment, two kids- twins ran into the room.

"Hi, Daddy." The girl wrapped her arms around the teacher's waist.

"Hey, Dad." The boy said.

"It was him." Sky said, looking at the older boy.

"Luke? Where you picking on Skylar today?"

"Dad, it's not my fault she and her friends ran onto the soccer pitch and we told them to move."

Mr Grassi went to move to Luke, the girl sat next to Skylar and wrapped her arms around her.

"I'm Millie." The girl whispered into Skylar's ear.

"I'm Skylar."

"You know we can be friends. Luke is kinda mean. He's my twin brother."

Then, Scott burst in through the door.

"Gosh, I'm so sorry I'm late." The blonde spoke.

"It's fine. We're just dealing with something."

"Sky, babe, are you okay?" The girl nodded her head.

Millie unwrapped her arms from her and let her move to her dad.

"I'm fine."

"Look Scott, my son wasn't the nicest to Skylar today and I apologize. It won't happen again, will it buddy?"

"No. I'm sorry, Skylar."

"How about we all go get ice cream?" Scott proposed.

"Sure." Mitch blushed slightly. "Millie, Luke get your backpacks and let's go."

Millie grabbed her backpack and immediately linked arms with Sky. Luke trailed after them.

After getting ice cream, they all headed to the park. Millie and Sky were on the swings, Luke was playing soccer with some other boys. Whilst Scott and Mitch sat on a bench together.

"So, Mitch, tell me about yourself." Scott said.

"There isn't much to me. I'm gay. A single father with two kids as you can see. I'm twenty-two. A kindergarten teacher. I don't know what else. What about you, Scott?"

"I'm bisexual, also a single father with one daughter. I'm twenty-six. My fiancé died giving birth. Wait, you were sixteen when you had kids? Did you get a surrogate?"

"No, I was seventeen and, can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course. You can trust me."

"I have the ability to have children."

"How? Is this a joke?"

"Nope, I swear. I don't even know how that's possible but yeah. I was seventeen. Then my boyfriend left me with two babies when I was nineteen. He never helped me with the kids, but at least I had and have my mom to help."

"Wow, I'm here if you ever need to talk."

"Thanks Scott. Should we get going? It's nearly six."

"Yeah, let's go."

They called the kids over and started walking.

Scott walked Mitch and his kids back to their place. Millie and Luke race upstairs and saying goodbye to Scott and Sky.

Before Mitch entered the apartment complex, Scott called after him.

"Mitch! Wait."

Mitch turned around and looked at the tall blonde.

"Call me if you need anything." Scott handed Mitch a small piece of paper with his number wrote on it.

"Will do. Goodbye, Scott. See you tomorrow?"

"Of course. Bye Mitchie."

Mitch blushed at the nickname and quickly disappeared into the building.

Scott tackled Skylar and brought her into his arms. He carried her home on his hip and tucked her into bed after she took a bath and had something to eat.

"Goodnight princess."

"Wait, Daddy, can I sleep in your room?"

"Of course. Come on." Scott picked her up bridal style and carried her to his bedroom, tucking her in.

He kissed her forehead and said "Goodnight princess."

"G'night Daddy. You like Mr Grassi, don't you?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Just a tad." Sky giggled. "G'night Daddy." She turned onto her side and snuggled into the covers.

Scott walked out and into the bathroom. He took a quick shower and dressing into a tank top and basketball shorts, climbing into bed beside his daughter.

Before he fell asleep, his phone buzzed. He unlocked it and check the message.

'Goodnight, Scottie. Sleep tight and see you tomorrow x

Scott's heart fluttered and he fell asleep with a smile in his face after he saved Mitch's number into his contacts.

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