Chapter Three

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Picture of Samantha in the media

"Scott, she's in the local Los Angeles hospital." Alex said through the phone.

"Oh Jesus. I have to go and see her. Alex come with me." Scott cried.

"Of course, meet you there in fifteen."

"See you soon!" Scott hung up and wiped his eyes.

"Casper, I'm leaving you in charge okay? Just dismiss everyone early, I have to go. Sam is in hospital and I'm really scared-"

"Scott, it's okay. Just go, I'll take care of everything."

Scott started gathering his things and was almost out of the door when he turned around and looked at Casper.

"Thanks Casper. What would I do without you?"

"Good luck, Scott."

He rushed out of the door and didn't even bother getting the lift, just ran down the stairs in a hurry.

"Bye Jenna. Do anything Casper says okay?" He said hastily.

"Of course. What's happening?"

"Casper will explain." He ran out the door and into his car.

He started the car and started driving to the hospital. He cursed when he stopped at a red light and an old lady was making her way across the road really slowly.

Finally, he pulled up in the parking lot of the local LA hospital and parked his car. Immediately running towards the reception.

"I need to see Samantha Moore." He said in a hurry, his hand clutching the desk really tight, causing his knuckles to turn white.

"Relationship to the patient?" The woman behind the desk said in a monotone.

"Fiancé." Scott stated bluntly. "Let me see her."

"Ninth floor, room 586."

Scott broke out into a run and pressed the button of the elevator more times than necessary.

When the door slid open, he jumped in and pressed the '9' button.

The elevator was taking ages to get up to the ninth floor as if it was doing it on purpose and slowing Scott down from seeing his fiancé.

He ran down the hallway, desperately looking for Sam's room.

583... 584... 585... 586 bingo.

He opened the door a little and peaked in. His beautiful fiancé lay there, looking almost lifeless.

"Sam.." Scott whispered as he close the door.

She turned her head in his direction and slightly smiled.

"What did I tell you? I told you to be careful. You're so stupid, you're putting yourself and our little girl at risk."

"I'm sorry." She whispered weakly.

Scott held her hand as he sat on a plastic chair next to her bed.

"I'm sorry." She repeated and tears ran down her cheeks and down her neck.

An older looking man walked in, wearing a long white lab coat and holding a clipboard.

Scott stood and shook the doctor's hand.

"Good afternoon Sir. As you may or many not know we had to perform an emergency c-section. The baby right now is in the ICU due to the fact she was a couple of weeks premature. At the moment, she is having breathing problems but that should improve in the next few days, maybe weeks."

"Thankyou Doctor. What's with Samantha?"

"She is very weak, the amount of movement she was doing has caused the early birth. She has to stay in hospital as well due to the fact there were a few complications during the operation."

"Thankyou." Scott shook the doctor's hand again and the doctor walked out.

That was only the beginning of something devastating.

Broken Love (Scömìche AU) [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now