Chapter Seventeen

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For RheePtx

"Babe, what do you want for your birthday?" Scott asked his daughter, who was sat on the couch watching 'My Brother Bear'.

"I want a puppy."

"A puppy you say? By the way babe, I'm going out today. Uncle Alex is coming over to watch you."

"Ooh, you going out with mister Grassi?"

"That shouldn't concern you, Skylar."

"But you are so."

"Whatever, just be good for uncle Alex okay?"

"I always am. Have fun with mister Grassi."

"I always do." Scott chuckled and left the living room to get dressed.

Scott dressed in a white dress shirt with black skinny jeans, a dog tag necklace from Lera Jewels, draped from his neck and a pair of black slip-on vans. His hair was styled to the back as usual.

There was a knock on the door and Scott quickly rushed to finish getting ready in order to open it, but yet again, Skylar beat him to it.

When Scott was literally walking out the room, Skylar was waltzing back I to the living room with a small smile and her head held high.

Alex took his shoes off and hung his jacket up.

"Hey, Allie."

"Hey, buddy. How's it going? You ready for your date yet?"

"Do I look ready?"

"Well your collar is messed up and your hair is kinda sticking up."

"What the fuck? I just did it!"

"Calm down, your daughter is in the next room. You don't want her going around swearing, do you? Here, let me help."

Alex reached to Scott's head and fixed his hair, putting it into place. He also smoothed out Scott's collar and after he finished, he put his hand so to Scott's broad shoulders.

"Now you're ready. Go get your man."

"Thanks Al. Sky, babe be good."

"I already told you that I am."

Scott chuckled and smiled a warm smile at Alex, he opened the door after grabbing his jacket and looked back.

"Have fun!" Alex called after him.

"Will do!"


Scott pulled up outside Mitch's apartment complex and turned off the ignition. He got out the car and leaned against the hood, with a single red rose, waiting for Mitch.

He sent off a quick text to his date.

Scottney: your carriage awaits, M x

Mitchie: literally coming out xx

Scott chuckled and a few seconds later he saw his gorgeous date walking out the door.

Mitch was dressed in a black dress shirt and tight fitting skinny jeans with Giorgio Armani sneakers and a leather jacket.

"Hey, M." Scott said softly, leaning forward and pressing his lips to Mitch's cheek.

The smaller brunette smiled and blushed.

"Hey, Scott. Is this for me?" He asked when Scott held the rose out.

"Yeah, I know it's not much, but I didn't have time to buy you a bouquet and didn't know what flowers you like. I'm sorry, I was trying to impress y-" Scott was cut off my Mitch placing his index finger over his lips.

Broken Love (Scömìche AU) [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now