Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Mitchie?" Scott asked, as he pushed the shopping cart through the isles of Target.

"Yes, Scottie?" Mitch replied, placing different types of alcohol and soft drinks for the kids.

"I was just was just wondering if I could invite two more people."

"Well, if we've already invited so many people already, then why not? Who do you have in mind?"

"Todrick and his boyfriend Jesse."

"Ooh another one of your hot friends?"

"If that's what you wanna call them," Scott giggled and turned left. "Then yes. It's two of my 'hot' friend because they're both hot. But you beat them all."

Mitch blushed and rolled his eyes.

"Come on, slow coach. We still need a lot of things."

Scott pushed the cart, trailing behind Mitch as they searched for their items and Mitch gave out instructions.

After another two hours of wandering around Target, they were stood at the register. Scott's eyes widening at the total price and causing Mitch to giggle.

"That will be two hundred and fifty seven dollars and sixty three cents." The red headed woman behind the register stated.

Scott fished out his card from his jean pocket and inserted into the card reader thing. Then proceeded to type in his pin when the lady asked to.

They loaded everything into the cart and pushed it out into the parking lot and to their car.

Upon returning home, Kirstin and lex were already over because they were babysitting the kids, the kids were more than happy to help set up.

"Just be careful you don't drop anything, Luke. We all know you're a clumsy butt." Mitch called after his son.

"Won't, Dad." Luke proceeded to take out glasses and plates into the backyard.

"Daddy, what do you want us to take?" Millie asked.

"Um, I suppose you could take out the soft drinks and red plastic cups."

"Okay." Millie and Skylar chirped.

Half an hour later, guests started to appear. Scott answering the door most of the time.

"Zoey! How's my favorite cousin doing?" Scott hugged his cousin.

"I'm good. You've met Alfie before, haven't you?"

"Sure have. Hey mate." Scott bro hugged Alfie and shut the door after them.

Scott led them into the backyard, where they were greeted with the rest of the guests. Everyone dressed in swimming suits.

Scott changed into his orange swimming trunks and went out into the backyard. He saw Mitch standing by the poolside, so he secretly ran up behind him and picked him up, jumping into the water with Mitch in his arms.

When they came up from under the water, Mitch burst out screaming and punching Scott's chest.

"What were you thinking?! I could have died. You seriously hate me!" Mitch punched his chest and set his head on his shoulder.

The outburst caused the people surrounding them laugh and giggle. Soon enough the heard someone screeching and a splash of water.

Luke had Sky in his arms and in the water. A few moments later, Alex had Millie in his muscly arms as they jumped into the water, a few people following after. The pool was big enough for everyone to fit. A few people sitting on the side, with just their legs inside the water.

They all talked and drank their respective drinks. Mitch was sat on Scott's shoulders and holding onto his wet blonde locks to not fall off and Scott holding his ankles.

"When are you guys planning to get married?" Jesse asked, his arm around Todrick's shoulders.

"Not sure, we've not spoke about it." Mitch replied. "Wait, Joey! What's that shiny thing on your finger?"

Joey blushed and looked at Daniel, who nodded.

"Mister Preda proposed to me last week." Joey replied, holding his hand up.

"No way. Let me see!" Mitch struggled to get off Scott's shoulders and ended up falling head first into the water, causing everyone to laugh.

He swam up to Joey and inspected his hand. He hugged him tight.

"I'm so proud and happy for you guys. You're so fucking adorable."

"Ooh, Daddy said a bad word, Scotty." Millie said to Scott.

"Do we say he deserves a punishment?" Scott winked at Mitch.

"YES!" Everyone yelled.

"Mitchie, you have to promise you will never repeat that bad word again." Scott looked at Mitch, a suggestive smirk playing at his lips.

Mitch's eyes widened as he realized what Scott was suggesting. He mouthed a 'no' and Scott just nodded.

"Alright, who wants barbecue?" Mitch asked, trying to change the subject.

"Did you just say barbecue?" Avi asked.

"Yes I did, master Avi." Mitch started getting out of the pool, his ass dangerously close to Scott's face.

Scott got his hand and lightly smacked his boyfriend's ass that was slightly showing due to the wet shorts sticking. A few people giggled and a few didn't notice.

"I am coming with you then." Avi said, almost drooling and jumped out of the pool, following after Mitch.

"Sky, can you go and grab a few more towels babe?" Scott asked.

"Of course." The dirty blonde haired girl jumped out of the pool and ran up the few brick steps and into the house.

Avi was flipping burgers on the grill and Mitch sat beside him drinking booze from a plastic red cup.

"I think you're really hot, master Avi. Too bad you're not gay, but I have Scott. Scott's really hot too."

"Thanks, Mitchie. I think you're really cute. Like you have a small frame and it's adorable. Scott seems really happy with you."

"Avi, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, shoot."

"Do you think Scott is ever going to propose to me? Do you think he'll want to spend the rest of his life with me?"

"Of course he will. You're his whole world, so are the kids. You're the most important people in his life and he doesn't see anything beside you guys."

"Sorry, I'm being silly."

"It's completely fine, don't worry about it."

"BURGERS ARE READY!!" Mitch yelled, loud enough for half of the people to run over, Luke being the first one in line.

"When are you not hungry?" Skylar asked Luke and giggled from the side.

"I'm always hungry, even when I'm asleep. See I share some traits with Scotty."

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