Chapter Ten

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"Okay we need to buy a crib, diapers, pacifiers, baby wipes, a bathtub, hooded towels, a diaper bag, diaper creams, bottles, bibs, formula, baby shampoo and body wash, body lotion and moisturizers." Scott rambled on, listing essentials for Alex to write down.

"Gee Scott, slow down bud. Don't forget the stroller and car seat."

"Yeah. Write that down. I'm gonna go bankrupt buying all this shit. Is it all necessary?"

"Unfortunately yes."

"Oh my gawd." Scott groaned, putting his head into his hands.

"C'mon Scottland, let's go. Get this over and done with."

They headed out and settled in Alex's Ford.

Alex pulled up outside the mall in 15 minutes and parked in the parking lot, near the entrance.

"Oh god, this is really happening." Scott huffed.

"It really is. Now come on big boy, let's go baby shop."

"Yeah... Let's go.."


"Oh my god, that purple Stokke stroller is so cute. We need to buy, Lex." Scott was nearly jumping up and down in excitement.

"Sure... You have seen the price though, haven't you?"

"I don't care about the price, I need to buy it."

"Fine fine, let me go get someone."

"Go then."

Alex returned after a couple of minutes with a young woman with light brown hair and green eyes.

'She looks so much like Sam.' Scott thought.

"Are you sure you want this one, Scott?" Alex repeated.

Scott didn't realize he wasn't listening and zoned out from reality.

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure."

"Great, I'll have one waiting for you at the register. Just come down when you're ready." The lady smiled and walked away, probably to the back room.

After getting a Stokke crib as well, Scott paid at the register and he and Alex were carrying a box each back to the car.

"Now for the little things." Scott said after they managed to fit both boxes into the trunk.

"Skylar will be one spoilt lady." Alex chuckled.

"That she will. With the six awesome uncles and one amazing dad she has, she will."

"Don't forget the fabulous grandparents and aunts."

"Yes, don't forget them." They both laughed and went back inside the mall to carry on shopping.


"I think that's everything." Scott stated, holding about four bags in each hand.

"Dude, did we buy formula?"

"Fuck, no. I'll go get it. You go wait at the car. See you in a few."

"See you."

Scott headed for yet another store, struggling on the way with the amount of shopping bags he had in his arms.

He managed to grab ahold of two tubs of Gerber baby formula and take it to the register.

"That'll be sixty-one dollars altogether sir."

"Fuck me, I'm seriously going to go bankrupt today." Scott mumbled under his breath.

"First baby, huh?" The lady asked.

"Yeah, and probably the last."

"Why's that?"

"I'm a single father."

"I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. I think I'll manage, got a lot of great friends an parents for support." Scott said, whilst inserting his card into the card reader thing.

"That's great. If you ever need anything, pop in here and I'll be here to help. I'm Grace by the way." She handed Scott his sales slip.

"I'm Scott." He smiled and grabbed yet another bag, this time from Walmart.

"I'll see you around yeah?"

"Definitely. I have a lot to learn." He chuckled and smiled at Grace again.

"See you, Scott."


He walked through the mall and out to the parking lot. Alex was waiting at his car, rearranging some things in the trunk.

"Al, got any more space?"

"I suppose. There's some space in the back seats."

"This has been a long day."

"It sure has."

Scott has a lot to learn. Will he manage? Skylar was going to be home soon, the person that has changed Scott's life. Maybe for the better.

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