Chapter Nine

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The day of the custody hearing has come. Alex was staying at Scott's place with him for the past three days to take care of the crying mess that Scott was.

"Al, I don't wanna go." Scott mumbled as he fiddled with the buttons on his dress shirt.

"Dude, you have to go. Do you want custody over Sky? If you don't go, she will be given up for adoption."

"I want the custody, but I'm just so nervous. What if I don't even get it granted? What am I going to do then?"

"Scott, don't think negative. You will get custody over Skylar. She will be the happiest with you, she will at least have one of her biological parents. You will be an amazing father and it's coming from your bestfriend's mouth." Alex smiled.

"Lex, you're the bestest person I could ever as for to be in my life."

"Awe, Scottney. You're adorable. Let's finish getting ready and get custody over Skylar. I'm being the godfather."

"Of course you are, Lex. Skylar will have the coolest uncles around."

Scott and Alex finished getting dressed and left shortly after.

Alex drove because Scott was too nervous and it was unsafe for him to drive.

When they got to court, they headed for the elevator.

Alex pressed the button of the floor that they were heading to and the door closed. They started going up until the elevator stopped abruptly.

"What the fuck? Not now. We're fucked, we're gonna be late. Now I'm not going to get granted the custody." Scott panicked and started pressing the alarm button.

"Scott, stop panicking. Let's try calling someone." Alex pulled out his phone. "Or maybe not because there's no connection."

Fifteen minutes later, the lights turned back on and the elevator was moving again.

They ran down the hallway and met Scott's parents and their lawyer, which happened to be one of their bestfriends.

"Where were you?" Rick asked.

"They'll explain later." The lawyer ushered.

"Exactly, let's go." Scott fixed his tie and everyone entered the small courtroom.


"Where do you live Mr. Hoying?" The female judge asked.

"I have a two bedroom apartment in the center of LA."

"Alright, and what is your occupation?" She asked, looking at some papers in front of her.

"I am the CEO of my father's company. I work in an office. It's well paid, I am stable to raise a child."

Half an hour later, Scott was walking out of the courtroom with a smile on his face.

"Scottland, I told you that you will be granted custody." Alex hugged Scott close to himself.

"Thanks Lex. I love you so much buddy."

"I love you too bud."

They pulled apart and Scott turned to his parents. Connie grinned at him and brought him into a hug.

"Momma! She's mine. Officially my little girl. She's leaving soon and is going to be in my arms soon. Momma I'm so happy."

"We all are baby boy. If you need any help, just call us and we're more than happy to help. Aren't we Richard?"

"Of course, son."

"Thanks Momma." He hugged her again before turning to Alex.

"We should probably go." Scott said to Alex.

"Sure, let's go. See you guys soon."

Scott and Alex got back to Scott's apartment and Scott got the wine and ice cream out.

"Think we need to celebrate."

"We sure do, but you also need to sort out a room for Sky."

"Do that tomorrow. Help me?"

"Of course."

Scott handed Alex a tub of Ben&Jerry's and a wine glass.

"Stay tonight? Need a friend to celebrate with."

"Sure. Anything for my bestfriend."

Scott grinned at his bestfriend and poured the wine.

Maybe left was going to get better. Maybe Scott was going to find a new love. Where things going to get better?

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