Chapter Twenty-One

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Mitch slowly set his glass of water on the coffee table and looked over at Scott who was focused on typing on his MacBook.

He hesitantly sat on the other side of the couch and pulled his knees to his chest. He breathed in a few deep breaths, negotiating whether or not to ask Scott about what happened after his fiancé died.

"Scott?" His voice was just above a whisper.

"Yes?" Scott eyes were fixed to the screen and he didn't even bother looking at Mitch.

"What happened after- wait you know never mind. Forget that I asked." Mitch started to get up off the couch when he felt a hand wrap around his ankle.

"What's bothering you, Pumpkin?" Scott shut off his device and closed it, setting it on the coffee table.

He opened his arms for Mitch and motioned for him to sit in his lap.

Slowly, Mitch sat down sideways in Scott lap and set his head on his broad shoulder.

"What did you want to ask me, baby? Sorry, I had to send out an important email to the company."

"It's fine."

"Tell me what's wrong. What did you want to ask me?"

"You won't want to talk about it."

"Tell me, Mitch." Scott said sort of sternly.

"I just wanted to know what happened after Samantha died. Your mom mentioned it to me."

Scott sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair, "I suppose you do deserve to know what happened. Okay so here we go," Scott wrapped his arms tightly around Mitch's waist. "Samantha died minutes after giving birth to Skylar. She had to get a c-section and there were complications and she lost too much blood. She flatlined and the doctors couldn't do anything to bring her back.

"I stayed with Alex for a few days whilst Sky was still in hospital in the ICU due to being a preemie. At the funeral, I couldn't keep my tears in and I burst out crying during my eulogy to her. I ignored all the condolences and drove to a club. I got drunk off my ass and didn't return home for the night, and when I did, Alex and my mom were there. My mom was so worried, as was Alex. I was depressed and drank a lot that Alex forced me to go to therapy. Therapy lasted like two months with three sessions a week. To be honest that shit really really helped because look at me now, I'm beyond happy living in a huge ass house with my amazing boyfriend and three cute kids, I have fantastic parents who support me and fab friends. God, Mitch, I fell in love you the first time I saw you and knocked you over. I guess I got over Sam's death after a while, but she will always have a place in my heart because I loved her, but right now you and the kids are my priority and I love y'all very much."

"Scottie, that's very heart touching. Baby, you've suffered so much through those years, I wish I could've been there for you and met you earlier." Mitch kissed Scott's jaw.

"All that matters is that you're here now."

"And forever."

"Okay, enough with the sad shit. The kids finish school next week and it your birthday in three weeks. Oh, by the way, since the house is all set we should have a house warming party, don't you think?" Scott asked and grabbed his phone, opening the notes app to write down the guest list.

"Yasss. Let's invite: Alex, Kirstie, Avi, Kevin, Chris, Hayden, Justin, it's about time I meet these hot friends of yours. Tyler and his boyfriend Troye, Hannah, Mamrie, Grace, ooh Joey and his boyfriend Daniel (a/n; #Janiel). Who else?"

"My friend Matthew and his boyfriend Nick (a/n; I know they are not together anymore but they're cute okay?) I think my cousin Zoey is in town with her boyfriend Alfie so let's invite them over too."

"Okay. Start calling and I'll make some dinner, okay?" Mitch started getting up.

"Of course, baby." Scott pulled at Mitch's wrist to lower him down and pressed his lips to his, "I love you so much."

"I love you back."

Mitch walked into the new, big kitchen and searched for what he needed. He was still so unused to this place and it always took him ages to find things or he would get lost in all the rooms.

He prepared lasagne by his mom's recipe and called Scott and the kids down.

They had a family dinner before settling down in the large living room and switching on a Disney movie.

"I am not watching Frozen for the millionth time, Millie." Luke grumbled.

"We're watch The Lion King." Mitch suggested.

"Nooooo." All the kids moaned.

"Then let's watch Alice in Wonderland." Scott said.

"And before any of you decide to groan, think twice or you're going to bed." Mitch warned.

They agreed to watch the movie suggested by Scott, and cuddled on the couch.

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