Chapter Twenty-Eight

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2 chapters until the end :)

They were finally getting married. All the months leading up to this day were filled with planning, shopping and invitations and it was finally happening.

Mitch invited Kirstie over to their house so she could help him get ready and Scott invited Alex.

The couple were banned from seeing each other before the ceremony. Scott even slept on the couch that night.

All the things that Scott needed to get ready were taken downstairs and into the spare room.

Alex was doing his hair when Scott was buttoning his shirt.

"Are you nervous?" Alex asked, trying to get one piece of hair into place.

"Of course I'm nervous. I'm finally committing myself to marry the man I love. It's my second attempt at getting married," Scott replied, finally buttoning the last button.

"It wasn't your fault that Samantha didn't make it," Alex reassured, tying his tie.

"I know, but I still shouldn't have left her at home," Scott huffed when he failed with his tie, "Allie?" Alex looked over at his best friend, "a little help please?"

Alex chuckled and went over to do Scott's tie.

In the meantime, Kirstie was in the master bedroom with Mitch.

Mitch helped Kirstie zip her dress at the back and she helped him with this tie.

Alex pinned the red rose boutonnière onto the lapel of Scott's tuxedo jacket and then they put their shoes on, making their way out the door before Mitch.

Kirstie pinned a matching boutonnière onto Mitch's tuxedo jacket and brushed his hair to the side fixing it.

"I can't believe you're finally getting married," Kirstie squealed in excitement.

"I can't either," Mitch smiled, "finally someone loves me,"

"I've always loved you,"

"Except from you," Mitch rolled his eyes and they started slowly making their way out the door to the car in which Todrick and Jesse were waiting.


"Dear beloved, we gather here to witness the coming together of Mitch Grassi and Scott Hoying," the pastor greeted the gathered friends and family of the couple.

The pastor continued with the reading picked by Scott and Mitch and then the rings.

"I, Scott, give you Mitch this ring as a sign of your love and marriage and I promise to be by your side in sickness and in health, in poorer and in wealth, but most importantly till death do us part." Scott slid the golden ring onto Mitch's ring finger and smiled.

"I, Mitch, give you Scott this ring as a sign of our love and marriage and I promise to be by your side in sickness and in health, in poorer and in wealth, but most importantly till death do us part." Mitch reenacted the action of sliding the golden ring onto Scott's ring finger and smiled.

After something boring that the pastor had said, he said "I now announce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom."

Skylar and Millie squealed and hugged each other. Scott picked Mitch up bridal style and walked down the isle.


After the dinner at the reception, the DJ invited everyone onto the dance floor. Scott offered his hand to Mitch and he accepted so Scott pulled him onto the dance floor.

The rest of the guests gathered into a circle and dances around the just wed couple, who were slow dancing in the middle.

After a while, people separated into pairs. Avi was dancing with one of Scott's cousins, Kevin was dancing with his girlfriend, Scott's dad exchanged his wife for Mitch's mom and Mitch's dad danced with Scott's mom, Kirstie and Jeremy danced together, Millie danced with Alex and Skylar and Luke danced together.

Mitch grinned as he saw their families getting along. He was happy and content with life.

Around midnight, Connie tapped Mitch's shoulder.

"I think it's time for you and Scott to leave for your honeymoon," she smiled at her now son-in-law.

"Oh, I don't know anything about this and we can't just leave the kids," Mitch replied confused.

"Well in that case, the kids are staying with us and you just go. Trust me on this, Mitchie," Connie hugged Mitch and he walked off to find Scott.

He found Scott standing in the doorway out to the garden that was lit up with fairy lights and a wooden gazebo standing further into the garden.

Scott stuck his arm out and Mitch locked his arm with Scott's. They moved into the middle of the gazebo.

Mitch wrapped his arms around Scott's neck and Scott placed his hand on his husband's hips. Around a minute or so of swaying, Scott pulled away and reached into the inside of his suit jacket.

He took out a long envelope and handed it to Mitch. Mitch opened it and took out two plane tickets.

"No.." Mitch said in disbelief.

"Yes, baby, we're going to Fiji."


A/N; you're welcome :)

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