Chapter Five

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Scott was pacing the brightly lit hospital hallway. Alex sat in an uncomfortable chair by the wall and watched his bestfriend pace the hallway.

"Scottney, come sit down. She's going to be okay."

"What if she isn't?"

"She will."

"But what if-" Scott was cut off by Alex wrapping his muscular arms around his body in a hug.

He hugged his bestfriend and cried I to his shoulder.

They sat down on the chairs again, Scott leaned his head on Alex's shoulder as they waited for any sort of news about Samantha.

"I'm scared, Allie."

"Don't be bud, she's gonna be fine."

"Stop lying to yourself and me."

"Scott, dude, you got to think positive."

"I can't. Everything is so shit right now. If she dies, I am not going to cope with Skylar alone."

"Scott, you know you have me, Hayden, Justin, Chris, Avi, Kevin, your parents, sisters. You are not alone."

"But it will be so empty without her. We were supposed to get married, buy a house, raise Skylar together, like a normal family. What is she going to think when she's older and finds out she has no mother. No woman in her life to help her with girly things."

"There's your mom, your sisters, her cousins. You know a lot about women too so it can't be that bad. You will be a man and raise your daughter. You will be an amazing father even if Sam doesn't make it."

"Thanks Allie. But this is all just so terrifying. Everything was supposed to be perfect. A perfect life with my soon-to-be wife and daughter. Maybe more children in the future, I don't know. But everything is falling apart."

"Everything will be fine, even is Sam doesn't make it."

The door of the surgery block slowly opened. The doctor pulled the surgical cvs face mask off his face and the surgical cap off his head.

The expression written on the doctors face wasn't amusing or expressing anything good.

"Mister Hoying..." The doctor said in an apologetic tone.

"Is she okay?" Scott asked, tears brimming his eyes.

"I'm very sorry, Mister Hoying but your fiancé didn't make it."

"What do you mean? What happened to Sam?"

"There were complications and she has breathing problems, the heart rate was very low and we didn't manage to keep her alive. We tried sir, I promise, but her organism was just too weak to fight."

"Oh my god." Tears finally broke out and rolled down his cheeks like rivers.

Scott turned back and threw himself into Alex's embrace.

"Wait, what about my baby girl?"

"She's in the ICU, she was premature so she is weak."

"Oh goodness. Will she be okay?"

"I'm sure she will. Even thought she is weak, she seems to be fighting."

"See Scott. Skylar is going to be okay. Sam is in a better place now."

"Thankyou doctor."

"Again, I'm very sorry Mister Hoying." The doctor turned back and through the door again.

Scott just turned into Alex's embrace again and sobbed.

"Fuck my life." Scott mumbled.

"Don't say that, Scott. At least Skylar is okay and fighting, she is going to win this fight and now let you go. You have to stay strong for her. Now let's go home. Stay over at ours, yeah?"

"Sure. Need alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol."

"Scottney, alcohol isn't the way out."

"I don't care, alcohol or I'm going home."

"Fine fine, but not lots."

"Whatever mother."

Alex wrapped his arms around Scott's shoulders as they walked down to the parking lot and driving back to Alex's place.

Sam has passed away. A funeral is nearing instead of a wedding. Will Skylar be okay? What's going to happen to Scott's mentality?

A/N; what's up y'all, my homies. I'm updating now because I am going to a concert after school tomorrow (Friday). Twelve24 are performing in my school and I'm excited as ever.

Hope y'all like the book so far.

Fan; lolahoying_
Personal; neverforgetyourdreams__

Twitter: Olimpiaaa2001


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