Chapter Seven

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The funeral was today. Scott woke up on the couch, with an ache in his neck, the bottle of Jack still in his hand, his blond locks messed up and tangled.

He groaned as the light hit his eyes and closed them again. His head was pounding with a hangover. He stretched out his limbs and yawned.

The clock on the wall said 10:45 meaning he had just under an hour to get ready for the funeral.

Scott took the bottle of Jack back to the kitchen, and hid it back in the cabinet after screwing the cap back on.

He showered and after drying, got dressed in a black suit with a dark grey tie. He finished his hair and made sure he had his written eulogy, that Alex wrote for him, hidden in his inside pocket.

Scott checked the time and finished getting ready to leave. He tied his laces and grabbed his keys.

He stopped at a florist to buy a single red rose. Tears built up as he memorized the time when he use to buy them all the time for Samantha as they were her favorite flowers.

He arrived at the chapel where the funeral was taking place. Alex greeted him and pulled him into a hug. Avi, Kevin, Hayden, Justin, Chris, his sisters and parents were all there. A few of Samantha's friends were there as well, including Vic.

As the service went on, everyone was in tears. Scott was called up for his eulogy.

He stood at the stand, placing his hands on the wood and taking a deep breath. He didn't bother with the eulogy Alex wrote and went full out on spontaneous.

"Samantha Moore was my favorite woman in my life, after my Mom. She was beautiful, caring, kind, ambitious. She had so many plans and dreams she wanted to pursue, but unfortunately she won't. She was always smiling and never failed to brighten up anyone's day. She was gentle and the most intelligent woman I have ever met. She was the one to help create and bare such a beautiful girl like Skylar. Sam was passionate about everything she did but was also very stubborn. She had a really big heart and helped everyone on every step. She was special, she is special, she will always be my precious fiancé. We are gathered here today at her funeral, not wedding. We were both looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together as a family. She was my bestfriend in highschool, has been by my side through all my hard times even at the time I came out as bisexual. She loved me for who I am. I loved her, I love her and I always will love her. Even though she isn't with us anymore, she will always remain in my heart. Sam was one in a million. I love you baby. You're my one in a million and no one will ever replace you. I promise to take care of Sky the best I can and I will tell her about how wonderful of a mom you were. I love you, Sammy." Scott wiped at his eyes, brushing away the tears. He placed the single red rose on the dark wooden coffin, that stood in the middle of the aisle.

He made his way back to his seat by his Mom and she hugged him hen he sat down. He rested his head on her shoulder and weeped through the rest of the service.

After the service, everyone hugged Scott and said thee condolences. He cried again and again. His fiancé has just slipped past his fingertips and she was gone. Gone forever.

Gone. Gone forever. The words echoed through Scott's head and he almost broke down and screamed, but Alex and his parents were at his side to comfort him.

Everyone left the chapel and Scott drove to a nearby bar. He took off his tie and jacket, unbuttoning his top button and letting out a puff of air.

Memories were all he had left of Sam. He drowned himself in alcohol and shut himself out from the world. His phone turned off as well as his mind. His mind was blank, unconscious of what he was doing.

Gone. Gone forever. Memories. Alcohol. Shut out from the world. Gone. Forever.

A/N; I just think the song fits well for the eulogy because One In A Million. I cried writing this so sorry if I made you cri.

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