Chapter Six

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"Doctor, can I see my daughter? Please, just this one time?" Scott asked.


Scott followed the older man down the hallway. He opened the door of the ICU and led Scott to the incubator.

Skylar lay in just a diaper and a tube up her nose helping her breathing. Other machines and wires were attached measuring her heart rate etc.

"Ten minutes, sir." The doctor informed. Scott nodded.

He stood by the side of the incubator and put his hand in the hole at the side.

Skylar wrapped her tiny hand around Scott's index finger he put near her hand.

"Hey Sky, I'm your daddy. It's just us baby. Mommy is always going to be watching over us. She loves you very much and it's a shame that she isn't here to be by your side baby. But I'm here, you have a lot of uncles, amazing grandparents and aunts. We all love you Sky."

Tears rolled down Scott's cheeks for the third time that day.

Skylar smiled a small smile at Scott's speech and tightened the grip on his finger.

Scott cried but smiled as he looked down at his beautiful little girl. He was determined to take care of her.

"Sir, it's time for you to leave." A nurse said.

"Goodbye Sky. Daddy loves you." He pulled his finger carefully out of Skylar's grip and walked out.

Alex was down at the reception, waiting for Scott. He wrapped his arms around Scott in a hug when he saw the tears.

"Al, take me home." Scott said when they sat in the car.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, just drive."

"As you say."

The drive back to Scott's apartment was silent and awkward. Scott stared out the window, looking as couples walked past and tears brimming his water line. Alex just focused on the road and drove, not bothering to talk to Scott as he knew he would cry again.

Alex pulled up outside Scott's apartment complex and looked at him.

"Are you going to be okay by yourself?"

"Yes. Thanks Lex, for everything."

"You're welcome, call me if you need anything."


Scott got out of the car and trudged through the parking lot and the sidewalk and opened the door to the complex.

When he got inside his apartment, he kicked his sneakers off and headed for the kitchen. He opened the cabinet and got ahold of a bottle of Jack.

He threw himself onto the couch, brought the bottle to his lips and let the whiskey burn his throat. Tears streamed down his cheek again that day and he just drowned himself in self-pity.

The funeral was the next day and he was not prepared. His parents found out from Alex about Samantha and were coming down for the funeral and moral support.

Hopefully things were going to be getting better. Or were they?

A/N; sorry for updating late but I was busy.

The concert on Friday was amazing and emotional. I cried at one point cause two songs were just too emotional for me to handle. Picture of me and the members in the media. I got a cd and poster, which got signed. Hopefully, my mom is going to let me go to the concert on Thursday.

I need ideas for my oneshots book.


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