Chapter Thirty

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Final chapter :))
Sequel in the works for y'all. Already got it planned


Scott and Mitch returned home the morning after they made love in Fiji.

Mitch has been feeling slightly sick and has been throwing up, but thought it was just the case of a flu or food poisoning. Kirstie had enough of his constant whining through the phone so she had a suspision, she went to the nearest store before going over to the Scomiche household.

Kirstie knocked on the door, tapping her foot inpatiently, waiting for someone to open the door.

Scott went over to the door and opened it.

"Hey Kit," Scott greeted with a smile.

Kirstie just simply walked in with the question "Where is your husband?" She clutched the box in her hand that it started to fold.

"He's in our room," Scott looked confused.

Kirstie without a word ran up the stairs and into Scott and Mitch's shared room.

"Mitchell. Bathroom now." She said strenly, before going in herself.

She sat on the edge of the tub and waited for Mitch to come in. When he did, he stood in the middle of the buge bathroom and looked at her with a confused look.

She threw the box at him which he didn't catch and picked up off the floor.

"Don't question it. Just do the test," Kirstie ordered.

"Can you like.. Get out then?" Mitch asked.

"No, I'll just wait here."

"Turn around then, you freak!"

Kirstie rolled her eyes, but covered them with her hands. She slightly moved a finger or two whilst Mitch was taking the test to take a sneak peak, but Mitch would just scold her for being a pervert.

"Okay, I'm done." Mitch said with sigh.

Kirstie uncovered her eyes and leaped towards Mitch, snatching the stick from his hands. She looked at it and her lips broke out into a big grin as a squeal passed through them at the same time.

"I cannot wait to hear about Scott's reaction!" She squealed and returned the white stick back to Mitch.


Mitch walked into the living room later that day, Scott was scrolling through something on his MacBook. He took a seat on the couch beside his husband and closed the device that was on his lap.

Scott gave Mitch a confused look, but got worried when he saw Mitch's face.

"Baby, what's up?" Scott asked, placing his chin on Mitch's shoulder.

Mitch retracted his hand from behind his back and handed the white stick to Scott.

Scott looked at the results on the stick and tears filled his eyes. He looked at his husband and kissed his lips.

"I'm so happy, baby." Scott grinned.


Scott, Mitch and the kids were sat at the table for dinner. Luke asked about the weird faces that sat on his parents' faces.

"What's wrong with you guys? Y'all are so quiet," Luke pointed out.

Scott looked across to Mitch and nodded.

"We're going to have an addition to the family," Scott said, with a smile.

"What?! How?" Millie and Skylar said simultaneously.

Mitch took a deep breath and finally spoke,

"I'm pregnant."



Thank you all so much for your love and support through the course of me writing this book, it was so much fun and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I'm gonna need help with thinking of a title for through he sequel, but I'm very excited for it.

Oh, and I apologise for being MIA for so long and not updating anything.

I love you all soooooo much

~Olimpiaa xo

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