Chapter Twelve

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--- Few months later ---

"Shhhh, Sky, you're okay baby. Daddy's here." Scott cooed and reached for the bottle of formula, that was standing on the headboard.

Skylar laid in Scott's California King bed with him. Whenever he put her into the crib, she cried.

Her cries softened as she sucked on the bottle and drank the formula. She was cuddled up to his chest, closing her eyes and falling asleep with Scott's hand resting on her back.

Scott woke up to the sound of Beyoncé playing from his phone on the nightstand. He slowly moved to reach his phone, without waking Skylar up, he noticed the framed photo of him and Samantha.

"I love you Sammy." He whispered and picked up the ringing phone.

"I'm coming over." Alex said, when Scott answered.

"But I'm not dressed and Sky is still asleep."

"That's fine. Avi, Kevin and the rest are coming over too. Not seen you guys in a while."


"See you in a few." Alex hung up.

Scott slowly and carefully moved from Sky and off the bed but made sure to put the covers around Sky so she didn't fall onto the floor.

He rapidly showered and brushed his teeth. Dressing in a pair of dark gray skinny sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

A knock on the door disrupted his coffee making. He speed walked to the door and turned the key in the lock.

"H-!" Alex almost yelled, before Scott placed his hand over his mouth.

"Shut that mouth of yours before your wake my child up. We had a rough night."

"Ooh mister moody. Someone needs coffee." Alex sassed.

"Well I was making some until someone decided to disrupt me." He glared at Alex and he just whispered not making eye contact.

Alex, Avi, Kevin, Hayden, Justin and Chris filed into the apartment and made themselves comfortable in the living room.

"Coffee anyone?" Scott's headed popped out of the kitchen.

"Me!" Alex, Chris and Hayden synced.

"Coffee can wait, your little sleeping beauty is calling her daddy." Kevin interrupted.

Scott sprinted into his room and picked Skylar up, still supporting her head although she was six months old now.

"Hey baby girl." Scott kissed her forehead and placed her onto the changing table.

He changed her diaper and changed her into a cute Minnie Mouse top and red spotty tights.

After she was ready, Scott handed her her pacifier and placed her head into his broad shoulder and walked out the room, supporting her bottom with his hand.

"Oh lawdy, look at my beautiful goddaughter." Alex squealed with awe.

Scott turned so Skylar was facing Alex but she just looked at him and spat her pacifier that landed in his lap.

Everyone laughed when Sky turned her head to the other side of Scott's shoulder to look at everyone else but Alex.

"Lex, can you finish the coffee?" Scott asked.

"Yeah sure." Alex got up off the loveseat with a huff and walked to the kitchen to make coffee.

Scott sat down on the loveseat, where Alex was sitting a few seconds ago and repositioned Sky, so she was sat in his lap and resting her body against his chest. Her dad cupped her tiny feet and uncle Avi walked over.

"Hey there princess." Avi's deep voice echoed through the room as he knelt in front of Skylar.

He stroked her enclosed fist with his index finger and she opened her hand and wrapped it around Avi's finger.

"That is too adorable for me to handle." Kevin said, with a laugh.

"Kev, take a picture for me." Avi smiled at his bestfriend and handed him his phone.

Skylar smiled a toothless smile along with Scott and Avi and Kevin snapped the photo.

"That will be my new wallpaper, dude. Scott she's adorable."

"Hey, Scott how are you managing with our little princess?" Justin asked.

"We're great, although she hates sleeping in the crib, therefore she sleeps in my bed with me." Scott chuckled.

"What about work?" Hayden piped up.

"Dad said I can have some time off. My parents really support me, mainly my mom. Like she stays with Skylar when I work for a few hours. She's loves my mom, you love grandma don't you princess?" Scott kissed the brunette mess of hair on Sky's small head.

Alex walked out holding two mugs of coffee in each hand. He handed the to everyone that wanted one and himself sat on the floor, leaning his back against Hayden's legs.

"How are you after the whole ordeal with Sam?" Chris asked.

"I'm better but I miss her so much man. Sky should be growing up with two parents and she will never know her mother."

"Are you going to move on? Did Sam tell you to move on?"

"She did tell me to move on, but, I don't know, Chris. It's hard."

"We're all here to support you, Scott."

"Thanks guys." Scott spoke when Skylar started crying.

He stood up with his baby girl and went to the kitchen.

"Any help anyone?" He asked, and Alex was by his side in seconds.

He took the little girl from Scott's arms as Scott made a bottle of formula.

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