Chapter Thirteen

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--- few months later ---

"Come on Sky, you can do it." Scott encouraged as he sat on the floor, waiting for Skylar to take a few steps forward.

She moved one foot, then the other, and then the other. She took three steps before collapsing onto her butt.

Sky sat there giggling and clapping her hands, smiling a smile with a few small teeth showing.

Scott chuckled and stood her up again, she wrapped her tiny hands around his index fingers ad they pranced around the living room together.

"I love you Sky. So does momma." Scott smiled down at his daughter.

A knock on the door disturbed their prancing around mindlessly. They walked together to the door. Sky's hands still wrapped around Scott's index fingers.

"Who's this Sky? Let's go see, yeah?"

Scott turned the key in the door and revealed his mom.

"Scotty. How's my baby boy doing?" Connie asked, walking in.

"Momma, I'm not a baby anymore. This is a baby." Scott chuckled and looked down at his little girl.

"Oh," Connie scoffed, "You're always gonna be my baby boy, Scott. Don't forget. How's my little princess doing?" She got down to Skylar's level and smiled at her granddaughter.

Sky let go of Scott's fingers and did a few steps to her grandmother, latching her small hands onto her cardigan sleeves.

Connie set her bag down and picked Sky up. She held her bum with one hand and tickled her tummy with the other. Skylar let out a lot of giggles and grinned nonstop.

"Scotty, are you okay?" His mom averted her gaze to him, with a worried expression displayed across her features.

"Yeah, yeah, just tired Momma." Scott's eyes were drooping, faint circles under his crystal blue eyes. His hand was resting on the wall next to him, supporting him from falling.

"Scott, go to bed. You need sleep, Hun. I'll take care of my one and only beautiful granddaughter. You'll say with grandma, won't you Sky? We'll be fine Scott. Go to sleep."

Scott kissed his mom's cheek and Skylar's forehead and headed to his bedroom.

He stripped to his boxers and pulled on a different shirt. As soon as his body made contact with the bed, and he was under the covers, he fell asleep.

Scott woke up about an hour later. From the hour sleep he has gotten, he most definitely felt and probably looked better.

He quickly showered and pulled on a clean pair of black Calvin Klein boxers, dark grey skinny sweatpants and Beyoncé shirt.

He walked out to see him mom and daughter watching In The Night Garden.

Scott sat down beside Connie on the couch, resting his head on her shoulder. Skylar was sat on her lap, drinking a bottle of formula.

He closed his eyes and muttered an 'I love you' to his mom.

He was dozing off again to the ending music of the show, when he heard someone speak and it wasn't his mom.


Scott opened his eyes and saw Skylar looking at him with her piercing blue eyes.

"Momma did you hear that?" He looked at her in disbelief.

Sure Skylar was babbling stuff here and there, but never has she said a proper word and wasn't directed at Scott himself.

"I did. She's a clever girl, Scott. Now, she's just gonna learn more and more. Like you, your first word was 'momma' or 'mama'. I love you son."

"I love you too Momma."


"I love you too Sky." He reached his hands out and she reached her out, Scott grabbed hold of her and brought his daughter into his lap.

"I'm gonna stay here tonight." Connie stated. "You need a full nights sleep. I'll deal with Sky tonight."

"Momma, you're the best."

"I've been told."

A/N; his guys! I've not updated in a whole but here we are. I went to see Pentatonix on Sunday (May 3rd) and if you want to know the story then check out my one shots, under the chapter 'My PTXperience'.
Also, The Last Song is on hold for a bit. I can't remember what happens next in the movie and I need to watch it but I'm kinda busy.

Love you guys.


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