Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Hi, mom," Mitch said, reaching forward to envelope the woman in front of him in a hug. "We've missed you,"

Nel held onto her son for dear life, hugging the life out of him. Small sobs escaped her lips and her voice was muffled by her son's shirt.

She pulled apart and yelled for Mike and pulled everyone inside the house.

"Take a seat, honey," she said, gesturing towards the couch, "your father will be down in a second." She herself sat down on a wing chair opposite Scott and Mitch, who sat on the leather couch.

"Hey, son," Mitch's dad exclaimed as he walked through the door to the living room.

"Mike!" Mitch launched himself from the couch to hug his dad.

They all sat down in the living room, Nel made them coffee and they talked.

"So, is this Scott?" Nel asked, sipping her coffee.

"It is, mom. Scott, this is my mom- Nel," Scott stood to shake her hand, but kissed the back of her hand like a gentleman.

"Such a gentleman. Is he always like this?" She questioned, smiling.

"Every second of the day," Mitch replied, "and that's my dad- Mike," Scott went to shake the older man's hand, but Mitch's dad pulled him into a hug instead.

"You hurt my boy and I end you, got it?" Mike said, sternly.

"Yes, Mister Grassi," Scott replied, before taking a seat beside Mitch again.

Later that day, Mitch and his mom were preparing lunch for everyone whilst Scott and Mike were in the backyard talking and supervising the kids in the pool.

"So, Scott, how did you and Mitchie meet?" Mike asked as they look a seat at the table that sat on the backyard porch.

"We kinda bumped into each other when my little girl was starting her first day of kindergarten, then after Luke picked on Skylar, we went out to the park and got ice cream. I gave him my phone number and we clicked then we started dating." Scott explained, thinking back to how he and his boyfriend met.

"That's cute," Mike said, " I'm sure you're the one for my son. Kyle was a terrible father and boyfriend. I'm glad Mitch found someone like you."

At that moment, Mitch walked out onto the porch and sat himself on Scott's lap.

"What are y'all talking about?" Mitch asked, curiously.

"You and us and the kids and life in general." Scott replied, kissing Mitch's jaw.


"Hey, Mister Grassi," Scott tapped Mitch's dad's shoulder, "can we talk? In private?"

"Sure, Scott," they stepped out onto the porch, "what's bothering you, son?"

"I just wanted to ask if I can have your permission to marry Mitch? Not right now or today, but soon, I was thinking christmas time." Scott replied, his hand trembling a bit.

"Of course you have my permission, just make sure me and Nel have the first invite to the wedding." Mike laughed and brought Scott into a hug. "Just promise me to never leave him like Kyle did."

"I wouldn't dream of it." He hugged Mitch's dad again before they went inside to get ready for dinner.

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