Chapter Eight

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Days have past and no one has heard anything from Scott. Alex and his parents were worried sick.

Scott stumbled out of his car and to the apartment complex. Alex stopped him.

"Scott!" Scott turned his head to look at his bestfriend.


"Scottland, where the fuck have you been? Your parents are worried sick. I was worried. Where's your phone?"

"I don't even know. Maybe in my car or maybe even at the bar that I went to. Who knows." Scott shrugged.

"Oh Scottney. Thank the Lord that you're okay and at home now."

Alex wrapped his arm around Scott and led him upstairs.

He fiddled with the keys that were in Scott's jean pocket and opened the door.

When Scott entered the living room, he saw his mom sat on the loveseat.

"My goodness baby. Are you okay? I was worried sick. Thank god my baby boy is home safe and sound." Connie wrapped her arms around Scott in a hug.

"Momma." Scott cried into her shoulder, hugging her close. "I want her back."

"We all do baby. She was like my third daughter."

"I loved her Momma. I still love her."

"Baby, don't cry. You've still got Skylar. Sam will always be looking over you and Sky. You've got to move on, honey. She told you to, didn't she?"

"Yes Momma."

"Then do it. Stay strong and find someone who you will love and will love you too."

"Thanks mama." Scott hugged her close again.

"Me and Dad will be in court with you in three days for the custody hearing thing."

"Thanks Momma. I love you. You're the best."

"I've been told. Alex, hon, will you take care of him? I have to get back to Rick."

"Of course Mrs Hoying."

"I already told you, Alex, it's Connie."

"I'm sorry."

Connie smiled at her son and Alex and handed Scott over to Alex to handle. She left shortly after.

The custody hearing was in three days. Was Scott going to be granted custody over Skylar. Or maybe not?

Broken Love (Scömìche AU) [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now