Chapter Sixteen

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Weeks have passed and Scott and Mitch have become very close. They flirted back and forth. Millie and Skylar have become very close too. Luke was the one that did like his sister and was a huge fan of Skylar either. He had a hate for girls.

"Caspar, email me the details later please." Scott told his assistant as he tidied up his desk.

The stacked some papers and moved them to one side, logged off his MacBook and shut it, placing it into his laptop bag and zipping it.

"Of course, Scott. How's little Skylar?"

"She's great, made a new friend called Millie and they're literally inseparable. Her dad is Sky's teacher and he's really nice." Scott blushed at the though of Mitch.

"Someone's got a crush."

"Awe shut up, Caspar."

"Scott, can I go? I promised my girlfriend I'd be home early because it's her birthday."

"Shit, sorry for keeping you. Wish her a happy birthday from me. Off you go. Have fun."

"Thanks, Scott." He turned to leave. "Have fun with your crush. Don't forget protection." He winked.

"Just go Caspar, before I give you a shit load of paperwork."

Caspar quickly shut the door and left.

Scott pulled his phone out to text Mitch.

Scottney: Hey M, I'm literally leaving. Sorry I'm so late for Skylar again.x

Mitchie: Don't worry about it, Scott. Millie and Sky are gossiping about something, she's fine. I miss you though :( x

Scottney: I'll be there in 10😉x

Mitchie: I'm waiting😘x

Scott chuckled and grabbed all his things, locking the door behind him. He took the elevator to the ground floor.

"Goodbye Jenna."

"Goodbye, Scott. Say hi to little Skylar for me."

"Of course." Scott smiled and walked out.


Scott stumbled through the door to Mitch's classroom. He left his tie in the car and the first two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned.

"Look who decided to show up." Mitch chuckled.

"Great to see you too, Mitchie."

"Daddyyyyyy!" Sky ran up to her dad and he picked her up. "Can Millie sleepover today? It's Friday, pleaseeee." She pouted.

"You gotta ask Mister Grassi."

Skylar looked in Mitch's direction, pouting and giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, I'll drop her off at five."

"Yay!" Skylar jumped out of Scott's arms and her and Millie hugged.


Scott finished setting up Skylar's room for her sleepover with Millie. He had prepared snacks and drinks, movies and games. Whilst Sky just lounged around.

The door bell rang and Scott went to open it but Skylar was quicker. She opened the door and instantly pulled Millie in and ran off to her room.

"Hey, again." Scott blushed when he saw Mitch looking flawless as always, expect he looked more casual than at work.

"Are you sure she isn't gonna be a problem?"

"Of course not, don't worry yourself. Where's Luke?"

"Staying at a friend's house as well. I'm alone tonight."

"Well, you won't be if you stay. Sky and Millie will be locked in there all night. I'm alone too. We can watch movies and cuddle?"

"I don't wanna be a burden. You've already got Millie."

"Don't make me beg you. I don't want either of us to be alone to light, when we can spend time together."


"Yessss!" Scott grabbed Mitch's wrist and pulled him inside.

He took Mitch jacket off for him and hung up up on a hanger.

Mitch took his sneakers off and followed Scott to the living room.

Scott turned on a movie and ordered Chinese for dinner.

Halfway through the movie, Scott wrapped his arm around Mitch's shoulder and the smaller man just cuddled up to Scott's chest.

Later that night, the girls were showered and dressed in their pajamas. They were tucked into bed, watching a movie.

"You should stay the night."

"We having our own sleepover?"

"Hell yeah. Wait, I'm gonna get you something to get changed in."

Scott disappeared into his room for a few minutes and returned with a sweatshirt and boxers.

"You don't mind sleeping in a sweatshirt and boxers, do you?"

"Of course not, I sleep like that anyway."

Mitch went into the bathroom to get changed, whilst Scott got changed in his room. The brunette walked out, the sweatshirt reached his mid thighs and the sleeves were too long that they covered Mitch's hands. His clothes were neatly folded and he left the on the arm rest of the couch.

Scott came back in just plaid pajama pants.

"Do you mind if I sleep like this?" Mitch shook his head no.

"Let's check on the girls before we head off to sleep."

They quietly opened the door to Skylar's room and saw that they were both sound asleep, the movie they were watching still playing.

Scott turned the tv off, whilst Mitch tucked the girls in and kissed their foreheads.

"You can take my bed and I'll go on the couch." Scott said when the got out the room.

"No, you're staying with me." Mitch covered his mouth with his sleeve covered hand and giggled.

"Okay." Scott reached his hand out to Mitch and led him into his room.

They got under the covers and Mitch instantly cuddled up to Scott, laying his head on Scott shoulder and his hand on his toned, bare chest.

"I really like you, Scott. You're different than the others. I think I'm falling for you."

"Oh, Mitchie. I fell for you when I first knocked you over on the first day of school. Will you let me take you out on a date?"

"Of course."

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