Chapter Four

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"Come on Sam, you have to fight." Scott said as he held onto his fiancé's hand.

Samantha laid in the hospital bed, hooked to many machines. She was very pale and weak. She had dark circles under her green/blue eyes and her light brown hair was messy.

"Scott, no matter what happens, promise me to take care of Skylar. Find yourself a new man or woman and be happy. Move on from me. I love you baby."

"I love you too Sammy. Please fight, please don't leave me alone."

"You won't be alone. You have Skylar and hopefully soon a new partner. You're not alone, you have your family, Alex and the rest of your friends, your work colleagues, baby you're not alone. But if I stay or if I die, you are not alone."

"Sammy fight! Don't leave me."

"Scott, I'm trying but it's hard baby." Her grip of his hand loosened and she started sweating.

Scott stood up and shouted for a doctor.

Nurses and doctors rushed in and wheeled the bed out, Scott following at the side.

"Sam, I love you." He said as she looked at him with half closed eyes.

"I LOVE YOU!!" He yelled after the doctor closed the door of the surgery block.

He slid down a wall and cried on the floor. Scott whipped his phone out and sent a text to Alex.

From Scott: Allie, Sam just went into surgery. Need your support here, hugs will be very much appreciated.

To Scott: I'm on my way. Hugs will be given, think positive, she's gonna be okay. Be there in 10.

Scott locked his phone after reading the message and slid it into his pocket.

He sat with his back against the ugly painted wall and waited. Waited and waited but the worst was yet to come.


A/N; did anyone catch the If I Stay reference, if you did, comment and I'll give you a shout out in the next chapter :*

I'm also obsessed with a band called Twelve24.

Hope y'all like the book so far.


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