Chapter Eleven

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A/N; image in the media is my babysister when she was born but that what I imagine Skylar like when Scott's taking her home.

"She's coming home today, oh my days I'm nervous." Scott paced the living room as he talked with Alex.

"You'll be fine. You have all the essentials, a nursery ready and a lot of people willing to help."

"Thanks Al."

"Grab the carseat and let's go. You're gonna be a great dad by the way!" Alex shouted after Scott who went to get the carseat from the other room.

"Thanks Alex. Let's go, yeah?"

"Yup, let's go."

Scot sat in the passenger seat of Alex's Ford and had a nervous look on his face, staring out the window.

"Scott calm down buddy. You're finally bringing your daughter home." Alex assured as he made a left turn.

"I don't know how you have a bright side to everything Alex."

"I think positive, that's why." Alex chuckled and pulled up into the parking lot outside the hospital.

They got out and Alex got the baby carseat from the backseat.

Scott checked in at the reception and the lady led him and Alex to the room Skylar was at the moment.

Scott teared up at the sight of his finally healthy baby. But he didn't let the tears fall.

"Do you have clothes to dress her in?" A nurse asked.

"Of course." Scott replied and grabbed the bag from Alex.

"Here let me show you how to put on a diaper and dress her." The nurse motioned for Scott to come closer.

He stepped closer and watched closely at every move the nurse made.

"You have to support the head. Always. Baby's necks are too fragile for them to support themselves. Your baby will probably be able to lift her head when she's about a month old, and hold it up when placed in a sitting position at around 4 months. Her neck muscles and head control should be strong and steady by 6 months." The nurse explained. Scott nodded.

She showed him how to change a diaper and allowed Scott to dress the little girl.

Alex stood behind him and watched him with awe.

"I want kids some day." Alex smiled.

"Yeah?" He nodded at his bestfriend.

"It looks fun." Scott laughed and carried on dressing his little girl.

The pink jacket was too big on her because she was so small. The sleeves covered her tiny hands and the leggings fit perfectly over the bodysuit and the tiny shoes fit her tiny feet like Cinderella's glass slipper.

"She looks adorable." Alex commented.

"She does, doesn't she." Scott carefully place his hand under the baby's head and sat her in the carseat, buckling the straps.

He got ahold of the carseat and carried it out. He signed out at the reception and made his way to the car with Alex.

Alex drove while Scott sat in the backseat with Skylar.

"You're going to be an amazing father Scott." Alex said as he looked at the father and daughter in the backseat, through his rear view mirror.

"Thanks Alex. You're going to be an amazing uncle."

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