Chapter Twenty-Three

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Scott and Mitch chuckled as they walked through the living room, having to step over a few bodies. Tyler was sprawled on the floor with Troye laying on top of him, Hannah and Grace had gone home earlier becuase they were busy the next day and everyone else stayed. A few trotted up the stairs to the guest rooms and a few more cuddled up on the couches and wing chairs, all sleeping.

"Carry me upstairs, Scottie." Mitch whined and made grabby hands towards his boyfriend.

"As you wish, Queen." Scott wrapped his arms around Mitch and picked him up, carrying him upstairs to the master bedroom.

Scott set Mitch on the bed, who straight away crawled under the covers. He took of his swimming trunks and jumped in next to Mitch.

"Your friends are hot." Mitch stated.

"Yeah? Like who?"

"All of them, especially Avi. His beard and long hair is so sexy."

"Are you trying to tell me that you have a crush on my bestfriend?" Scott tried to sound offended but couldn't stiffle back a giggle. He wrapped his arm around Mitch's waist.

"No, of course not. I just- Oh my God, Scott Hoying are you sleeping naked?"

"Uh, yeah. Maybe we could have some fun." The blonde said in a suggestive tone.

"Urgh, fine but we have to be quiet. We wouldn't want anyone running in, would we?"

"You mean you have to be quiet?"

"Whatever." Mitch stripped off his shirt and boxers, letting Scott do the rest.

"Goooooooood morrrrrrning!!" Millie and Sky jumped onto the bed, grabbing for the covers and trying to yank them down, but Scott and Mitch had a firm hold of them before they could go any lower.

"Daddy, why are you and Scott naked together?" Millie asked, causing Mitch to blush.

"We were just very hot at night." Scott replied, because Mitch was lost for words.

"Alright, girls, go wake up your brother and the guests that aren't awake yet. We'll be down in a few minutes." Mitch said after a few moments.

"That was close."

"Sure was. Let's shower."

They showered and got dressed in some comfortable clothes. Then making their way downstairs to see everyone awake.

"Good morning." Scott said as they walked into the living room , holding Mitch's small hand in his own.

"Scottney, did you get some last night?" Alex asked, with a wink.

"It's not like we didn't hear you across the hall." Mamrie added.

"Did y'all even use a condom?" Troye chuckled.

"We wouldn't want Mitch pregnant or something." Hayden commented.

"Okay, guys, not in front of the kids, please." Mitch begged.

A round of sorry's went around the room and Scott asked who wanted what for breakfast. And got a reply of waffles.

Breakfast went smoothly, everyone shared a conversation.

"Where are you guys going for you six month anniversary?" Chris asked.

"Urgh, we're not sure yet. We might go over to my parents' house next week. Road trip. Maybe Mitch will finally introduce me to his parents." Scott answered, nudging Mitch's side.

"Yeah. A road trip seems nice. Mike is dying to meet you and Skylar."

"I still find it hilarious how you call your dad by his name."

"He's used to it." Mitch laughed and went into the kitchen to put the dirty dishes away.

"OMG, this dog is sooooo cute." Mamrie gushed, when Bomber ran into the living room.

"Oh yeah, that's Bomber. An annoying little puppy dog." Scott rolled his eyes.

"Dad! Stop staying that Bomber is annoying because I can say that you're annoying with the amount of times you kiss Mitch. I'm surprised he's not annoyed with you yet." Skylar huffed angrily, her fists clenched.

"Ooh, Scott. I guess you in trouble with your own daughter." Justin laughed and Scott blushed.

Everyone laughed and Skylar jumped onto Scott's lap hugging him.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry. You can kiss Mitchie as many times as you want to. I love you both, I'm sorry." The blonde girl apologized, hugging onto her Dad's waist.

"It's okay, baby girl. We love you too. I didn't even get mad. Don't worry. Why don't you take Millie and Luke and go outsdie onto the trampoline?"

"Okay." She jumped off Scott's lap and went to find Millie and Luke.


"Thanks for coming, guys." Mitch said to Todrick and Jesse.

"No worries, we had a lot of fun. It was great meeting you finally, Mitch." Todrick smiled, holding Jesse's hand.

"Scott talks about you a lot. In a good way of course." Jesse added.

"That's sweet. It was great finally meeting Scott's friends."

"You're really cute, Mitchie." Todrick pinched Mitch's cheek and smiled.

"Thanks.." Mitch blushed.

"Well, we should get going. We already crashed at your place once, let's not let that happen again."

Todrick and Jesse began walking down the driveway and Mitch closed the door and pressed his back against it.

"Mitchie, come cuddle with us." Skylar appeared in the hallway and grabbed onto Mitch's hand.

They walked into the master bedroom, where Scott laid in the middle with two kids at each of his sides.

"Is there any space for me?" Mitch asked, with a cute smirk.

"Yeah, on top of me."

Everyone laughed and Mitch climbed on top of Scott and they all cuddled.

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