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 As awkward as they come Aaron Bishop was just an ordinary 15 year old teenager with nothing special about him. Accept when he was alone by himself he liked to draw and he had to stay at home with his three sisters and mom. Aaron kind of felt out of place in the web of his family he felt that he was misplaced some how. Aaron did however have friends at his school but when the covid 19 pandemic hit back in 2020 Aaron lost some of those friends to being bound to online school. Aaron was not athletic but he is into drawing comic art and playing video games. But what Aaron did not realize was he was in a world where some aliens and advanced life forms do exists. Aaron was sitting in his room upstairs pondering and thinking about what to do for the rest of his day. But his mom called him down and told him to do his normal duties around the house such as his chores. When he went to go take out the trash it was a bright sunny day the wind blew a nice cold breeze every now and then.

 Aaron felt like no one noticed him every time he went outside in his apartment complex in aurora Colorado. Life on the other side of the rope when it came to Aaron and the spectrum of kids who were popular and or losers but losers had more of a chance than Aaron ever could. Aaron slid his fingers through his brown hair and looked around outside while squinting his eyes over the heavily bright son he walked around with his grey sweater and black pants and his boots that had some incredible design features to them. Aaron just continued walking with his head slumped down and he just continued to stare at the pavement. His boots slapped the pavement and the buckles kind of made a clinking sound every time he walked. He was halfway to the other side of the complex until a silver Mercedes pulled around the corner and of course even online school Asmir pulled up right next to Aaron and he smirked and said,

Asmir: "Well look who it is the loser the lonely mamas boy who does not even have a car!!" 

 Then he threw his drink at Aaron which exploded and the soda got all over his grey jacket and Asmir drove off laughing while Aaron stood there with his hands up and shouting,

Aaron: "REALLY!!!" that caused Asmir to stop his car in mid pursuit of leaving and he got out of his car and walk really fast towards Aaron. Then he straight up socked Aaron in the face Aaron fell down while holding his face Asmir then followed pursuit of my fall he landed on both of his knees. Aaron could hear his knees hit the pavement, then he started to punch Aaron in the face until his nose was bleeding and Aaron had cuts on his face from Asmir's knuckles. Asmir finally landed one last punch in Aaron's stomach then he got up and started to kick him up and down in his stomach. Then Asmir as a goodbye hit he kicked Aaron's face and the tip of his shoe landed on Aaron's nose which caused it to spurt more blood.

 Asmir fixed his jacket and he went back to his car which had the usual girls he would see around the neighborhood. Aaron's sister would call them the "Pick me girls" they all laughed as they saw me laying on the pavement covered in his own blood from the brutal beating he had just received. Aaron got up holding his side and coughing up some blood as he limped his way home and Asmir getting away with another beating. Aaron walked inside his small home and hobbled his way up the stairs that were inside the apartment and he had his youngest sister help him with his wounds. 

 His sister then hugged him after she was done helping him then she left his room  Aaron just hugged his legs and sat in his room thinking about everything that just took place. Aaron did not have time any more so he sat up in his grey futon and he grabbed his black boots that he had on earlier and a different hoodie and he left his house for a nice walk around the apartment complex. Aaron had his hands in his pockets and his hood up trying to hide the wounds and marks he had on his face. Some people looked over there shoulders and looked at him because they were curious because they had never seen such a boy roaming around the complex. Aaron went to the further side of area then he traveled from the complex to downtown where everything was. Aaron looked around as he was curious and really really awed by everything he's seen in town so far.

 The day started to shift to night and Aaron was still out he talked to a couple of strangers and he still wanted to explore more. Aaron looked around at the dark alley where there was no people no cars no noise just peace at it's finest. But Aaron was unsure of this but he still mustered enough courage to walk down it. Aaron then could hear some noise coming from a door he was leaning up against. Then the door blew open with fire and smoke sending Aaron flying into the alley wall and hurt his face even more than it already was. Then two guys who were wearing ski masks were laughing and talking about the things they did to a women just now. But before the men left they caught sight of Aaron who was laying on the ground in pain from the effects of the blast. The men chuckled at the site of Aaron who laid on the ground almost unconscious,

Man in mask: "Well well well, look who we have here." The man said as he picked Aaron up off the ground and pointed his gun at his chest.

 Aaron grunted from the pain he was feeling, he looked at the man with his bright blue eyes and the man laughed as he pointed his gun at Aaron Aaron's breath was heavy and the man in the mask was about to pull the trigger but then all three of them could hear a screech of some kind coming from on the roof tops of the buildings that were in between where Aaron and the two men were. Aaron then saw an orange and bright yellow with a mixture of black creature jump off of the roof and land in front of Aaron and the two men.

 Aaron then saw an orange and bright yellow with a mixture of black creature jump off of the roof and land in front of Aaron and the two men

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 She hissed and the men dropped Aaron, The men gulped but still had the balls to hold up there puny little guns to this alien creature. She then grabbed both of their guns and crushed them to metal chunks of nothing. She roared and the men screamed worse than she did and left the alley only leaving Aaron and the alien. She looked down at him her white eyes pierced into Aaron's

 She placed her clawed hand on her waist as she looked behind her and looked down at Aaron, She gave a small shy smile and she said to him while pulling him up,

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 She placed her clawed hand on her waist as she looked behind her and looked down at Aaron, She gave a small shy smile and she said to him while pulling him up,

The alien women: "You should be more careful of where your going next time kid." Then she leaped off into the darkness of the alley.

 Aaron got up holding his stomach and he leaned against the wall trying to get his head strait. What Aaron did not realize however was a strange but a white and black alien like goop was crawling on the side of the wall. And it was reaching closer to Aaron's hand but Aaron lifted his hand and the goop leaped off of the wall and landed onto Aaron's coat as he left the alley to go home. Aaron's mother of course was asleep by this time to he used the janitors latter to climb his balcony to get to his room window. Which was still humming with bright light from the lamp in his room.

 Aaron opened his window and leaped in and took off his coat and other things to reveal he was in his pajamas already from when he went outside of his apartment. Aaron then brushed his teeth while still breathing a little heavy as he was brushing his teeth. In Aaron's coat the white and black goop crawled it's way from his jacket to under his bed where it can hide in the dark. Aaron got done with his teeth and made his way to the window of his room and closed the window tightly shut and sat on the little bench part of the window area. He looked up and the stars shone bright in the glare of his pupils shone white in the moon's shine. Aaron in one motion went to his bed and fell asleep to the darkness of his room and the light from the moon. 

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