Mad evil genius plan

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 While Nebula was in the shower and Miguel was investigating the strange blue vixen and why she was here. And Dr.Patel was going deeper into the research and furthering of finding out what the white specimen that Aaron had entered the portal into their world and she was actually sent the blue Hobgoblin after Aaron and why she did it is still a mystery.

 Dr.Patel had her helm on and headphones on as well ignoring every gesture that Aaron had made inside of the purple liquid he rested in. Dr.Patel clicked and moved her fingers on the hovering technology above her fingers and she smiled when she saw something on the screen that Aaron could not see inside the giant container. Then with a click of a button she opened a door in the lab which then revealed another tank with somebody was inside of the tank it looked werid from behind his glass but when he looked he saw A GIRL!!! the girl quirked and moved unconciously and Dr.Patel took of her headphones then she began to announce who the other subject was. 

"May I welcome and firmly introduce to you Aaron Ms.Andi Benton!!" she exclaimed with a smile spreading across her cheeks.

 And the screen on the T.V started to play some kind of music and the wires that were connected to the T.V were connecting to her tank so when the music started to play Andi awoke inside of the tank and her eyes were a beautiful blue like Aaron's. Andi then looked around then she saw Aaron inside of the tank and she blinked in disbelief and she looked angrily back at Dr.Patel and she just waved it off as she and her arms moved over to a small controle panel near Andi's tank.

"Beggining test one specimen (white and black) meet Andi Benton." Dr.Patel announced and she pressed a button and the tubes inside of Andi's tube released and she then pressed another button and released Andi from the tank. 

 Andi's vision was blurry and when she looked up Dr.Patel was hovering over her and Andi looked down at the ground. From Aaron's tank she was naked because it was kind of mutual when someone was testing on another human. She had a nice body thin, slender hips, and big breasts but hidden in the shadow of the rest of her body. Andi looked up at the other tank and saw Aaron looking but not the creepy type of way but like a concerned brother. Dr.Patel then motioned over a few more buttons and she released Anti-Venom from his tank and he wanted Aaron out because that was his friend but Anti-venom then creeped along the floor and moved toward Andi and began to try and acheive symbiosis. As Anti-Venom wrapped himself around Andi's body she instantly stood up and when she did Anti-Venom was just covering up her the last bit of her breasts and legs. Spikes and claws ignited from the suit and she looked from the tank and back to Dr.Patel.

Dr.Patel smiled and said to herself in her head "We have acheived symbiosis." And Andi stood where she had fell from the tank. And her eyes were glowing orange with a light mix of yellow and she somewhat smiled from the suit.

 And her eyes were glowing orange with a light mix of yellow and she somewhat smiled from the suit

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 Andi felt strange inside of the suit and it was just so weird but it felt good like the original black and white suit

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 Andi felt strange inside of the suit and it was just so weird but it felt good like the original black and white suit. Then Dr.Patel smiled and commanded Andi to go sit at the table and then she smiled while looking at a jar that rested near Andi's tank and she spoke "Beggining tests for symbiosis." And after Aaron was released Andi looked at him the way Aaron looked at her, his slight curve of bicep and his bouldering shoulder for a 16 year old. The light hint of pecs and abs on his body made Andi purr on the inside but she kept it contained only for herself to leer over. 

 Aaron looked up and Andi smiled under the suit but Dr.Patel clicked a few buttons and she released the black liquid that was inside of the jar. And also wanted and seemed to want and go to Andi but it went to Aaron and latched itself onto Aaron's body the black liquid covered all over Aaron's body and after the liquid had finally reached to his face it covered his eyes and hair and after it did Aaron's eyes started to form a moon white and a white spider on his chest with two squares onto his hands on top of his fists.

 And also wanted and seemed to want and go to Andi but it went to Aaron and latched itself onto Aaron's body the black liquid covered all over Aaron's body and after the liquid had finally reached to his face it covered his eyes and hair and after...

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 Aaron then faced Andi and she blushed behind the mask even though he could not see her behind it. Aaron looked down at his hands and clentched it and it made him feel good and strong but not stronger than Anti-Venom made him feel. Aaron then sat down at the small table inside of the lab and Dr.Patel moved to the table and sat across from both Aaron and the werid girl Andi so that Aaron and Andi were sitting right next to eachother. Dr.Patel then cleared her throat and smiled as though she was saying look at me but also saying its going to be alright. 

 "So for now that you both have acheived symbiosis I am expecting that you both do what you are asked of for the next few weeks that we are together and when we finish you and Andi here will be sent back to there original dimensions."

 Andi and Aaron looked at eachother eyes raised in somewhat confused looks and then they looked back at Dr.Patel as she now smiled and said "Lets get to work shall we."

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