wrong place Wrong time pt.2

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Anti-Venom and Venom(Andi) we're captured once more and Aaron could hear some of the things that the doctor was saying. "I can't even believe that you and that girls escaped and act like I haven't seen your little sex act on the rooftop either." She said as her arms kept climbing up walls and scaling buildings.

Aaron knew she was going to punish them somehow but he did not exactly know how he just knew she was going to do so. Andi by the movements of the arms was shaken awake and she had a very angry expression in the glistening of her white eyes. She was not going to be taken this time. She shot a web line to a pole and she held on tight to it and she was able to yank herself free. But Dr.patel noticed and she just shook it off and kept going because all she really wanted was Aaron all to herself.

Andi was confused but she was not going to let Aaron be with her. She shot two more webs and started to walk back so that she can have enough momentum to launch herself at her. She then shot up into the air and she grabbed hold of Aaron and took him. Now this made Patel pissed as she then used her arms to grab Aaron's foot and she looked at Andi and she used her right top arm to shove Andi off but still attached to her. So she then threw Andi so hard she broke glass of a nearby building and smashed all the way to the ground until she hit the other side of the building and slammed into a car. Making the alarm go off.

Aaron was then injected with a shot to make him fall back asleep. Dr.patel twisted the lenses of her goggles and she saw that Andi was knocked out for a little while. She smiled and carried Aaron away and she left Andi to die...

Back in Dr.Patels lab,
Aaron awoke to him being restrained in glowing purple cuffs. Aaron tried to wiggle out of them but he couldn't and Dr.Patel took notice and she smiled "You know you can't wiggle out of them." Aaron looked up and he saw Anti stuck inside the same jar. "What are planning to do to me" Aaron asked out of rage Dr.Patel chuckled and replied "You, I have no use for you your nothing but a disposable human." However your specimen is quite intriguing with the recent tests I've been conducting he has the ability to cure any disease. Including cancer."

Aaron looked over at Anti and he tried to wiggle more but it was no use. Aaron then heard a noise and it sounded like some commotion outside the room and Dr.Patels arms extended from her back and moved her way over to the door. Then with the sound of a loud bang Dr.Patel flew back so hard and hit a wall. Aaron looked at the door and saw Nebula with a giant rocket launcher and she smirked at what it did but she saw Aaron and the smirk went from impressed to worried. She ran over and threw the rocket launcher to the side and tried to unfasten the cuffs. Miguel dropped in from the roof wearing his white suit. Dr.Patel tried to reach for the jar and he webbed her hand to the wall.

Miguel then improvised and he saw Nebula struggling to get the cuffs off and he knew that these were Alchemax issued plasma cuffs to destain some of the most lethal prisoners they had on the planet. But he knew how to shut them off he found the remote and he clicked the fuser all the way down and the cuffs powered down and slid back into it's holding position.

Nebula then picked up Aaron and she held him in her arms. Then another click of a button and some clanging came around from the corner of the small lab and they all looked and out came a weird creature. With red piercing eyes and white goo on it's chest with the rest of its body was black head to toe. And out came the Venom of 2099!!

  The weird variation of Venom hissed and started to charge at Nebula and Aaron. But Miguel jumped up and he landed the wall above Patel and he shouted "Hey leave them alone!" And he shot two web lines and he pulled himself so that he could knock Venom into the hall and he shouted "Hey guys I got this go!" As he punched Venom in the face.

Nebula carried Aaron out of the lab but Aaron shouted "Hey what about Anti-Venom?" Nebula then remembered and she ran over and grabbed the jar and she kicked Dr.Patel in the face "That's for kidnapping him you sick twisted soulless human spitball." And she ran out of the lab and carried Aaron and Anti-Venom to the outside and she continued to run down the alley.

Miguel clawed Venom in the face with his claws on his fingers. He then webbed him into the ground and he rushed out of the lab but Dr.Patel was gone and he cursed under his breath. He then found Aaron and Nebula inside of the alley and he rushed over to them and told them that Dr.Patel was gone. They had no clue where she went. All of them were confused so they got into a circle and into a defensive position. Aaron and Anti-Venom rejoined together.

But with the crack of the sky Dr.Patel came and tried to snatch Aaron up again but he was prepared and punched her in the face nocking her down and making her fall face first into the pavement. Anti-Venom roared and he ran at her and when she got up Aaron tackled her through the building. Causing both of them to hurdle into the bottom of her lab where they had fell.

Nebula called after Aaron but Dr.Patel was strong enough to get up and hoist herself to a pannel which forced the lab doors to close. Entrapping Aaron and Dr.Patel inside Aaron then shot two webs at Dr.patels arms and pulled up and knocked her into the bar doors in which sealed them inside then he flipped behind her and shot two more webs and pulled down and knocked her into the floor.

Aaron was pissed and Dr.Patel knew this and she wanted to test Aaron's anger level. Dr.Patel then blocked Aaron's punch with her tentacles and she took his head and slammed it into the wall he was facing making him groan in pain. But he was not going to give up he took his elbow back and hit her across the face and took her real arm and he was going to try and break it but one of the tentacles grabbed him by the back of his neck and slammed him into the ceiling. Then she slammed him back into the floor. Dr.Patel then tried to throw him to the labs main control door and he shot two webs to the wall and pulled making him kick her and it knocked her back causing her to fall. Aaron then got an idea.

He formed large claws and sliced the door he was being thrown at and he kicked the damaged door material in causing it to fall. He then entered and he found the tank he was put into. He then went back to go get her but she was gone. Aaron cursed and he started to look around but she appeared behind him and she clamped he tentacle in his shoulder which caused him to yell in pain and blood could be seen being drawn from where the tentacle was. But out of no where she was hit with a fire extinguisher and she fell unconscious. Dropping Aaron in the process he then looked up to see somebody who he thought he would never see again.
HIS MOM!!!!!!!

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