The final battle pt.1

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The look that crossed Anti-Venoms face was shock and surprise. Anti approached her but she smacked him with the fire extinguisher which he stumbled but he held a clawed hand and he said "Wait I'm on your side!" Aaron's mom nodded and set down the fire extinguisher and she hugged him but he shoved her back and he roared. But she held her hands up and she smiled and said "Hey son long time no see." Anti-Venom tilted his head to the side and he growled then he vanished back into Aaron's body and his mom hugged him but even Aaron set her back "Why are you here and second of all how did you even get here?" She just pointed and Aaron looked over to see Eddie and Venom.

Aaron yelled Eddie's name and he ran and gave him the biggest hug he could. Eddie hugged Aaron back and he set him down "Hey buddy it's been awhile." Aaron then pointed to his mother and asked "How did she and you get here?" Eddie rubbed the back of his head and said "Welllll..."

After Eddie's brawl with the crazy metallic maniac he was home and Scream and Carnage were sleeping holding each other. Eddie smiled but he was surprised when he had received a knock on his door. Venom told him "Don't answer the door." But Eddie ignored his request and he opened it to find a woman with faded red hair and she was a little plump woman. And inside of Eddie's body Venom said "Idiot." Eddie was confused but when the woman turned out to be Aaron's mom Eddie almost closed the door on her but he remembered that when he was a child his mother died while giving birth to him.

And ever since he found out he did not forget that he was the reason for his mother's demise. So he let her in and after a while after hearing her talk about why she was there Eddie understood and he rebuilt the goober and that was how his mother and Eddie had arrived to the other dimension.

Currant time.

Aaron was shocked by his mother's appearance. But then again he remembered why he left. Eddie looked around and saw Dr.Patel gone and Eddie made a sound that concerned both of them. But it was to late and all three of them were knocked back by a large table being thrown at them by non other than the relentless Dr.Patel.

She wiped her bloody face "Awe look who we have here fresh meat!" And she scanned Aaron's mom and she smiled when she saw the the visor in her goggles read that they had a biological relation with each other. She was now aiming her tentacle to grab Aaron's mom but Aaron shoved his mom out of the way and was grabbed instead. And Aaron was thrown to the wall and was wrapped in a metal bar that was forcefully bent to confine him to the ground.

But it didn't keep him held for long because he eventually broke out of his restraints and charged after her. Dr.Patel fell to the ground laughing and Anti-Venom punched her in the face and he just remembered that he had dragged out the container. He then flipped over her and she just laid there while he webbed the container and dragged it over to the two of them.

Aaron then picked her up and tossed her inside and she slammed into the wall. Aaron then slammed the glass case shut and he webbed it shut. He then watched her squirm around while she did Aaron pressed a button and which activated the water level and she was starting to get filled up with the water in the container. Aaron watched and Aaron then heard his mom struggling to get up he ran over to her and helped her up. But when he did Aaron's Symbiote sense was alarmed when he heard Dr.Patel slamming and thrashing inside of the container until she fractured the glass. She smiled and she broke the glass and fell out.

She made her arms hold her for balance. She giggled and she leaped at Aaron and his mom but knocked his mom out of the way and punched Aaron so hard he hit the wall and left a huge dent. And he was unconscious but Venom swung in from behind her and hit her in the back. He rolled on the ground and roared with his huge white teeth and his tounge engorged out.

But Dr.Patel clicked a button in which caused three flamethrowers to appear on robotic limbs and they began to shoot flames at Venom but he doged them and he danced around he grabbed the unconscious Aaron and his mom and swung out of the room while the flames licked and spread themselves around the room. Dr.Patel however maneuvered her arms to a ceiling pannel and she escaped the room while still following and making her pursuit of them. Meanwhile outside Nebula and Miguel found a nook inside the lab and they both entered through. But both of them were confused about the entry level because it seemed as though they were near the boiler room.

Nebula blasted a lock off the door and she kicked it open. And Miguel followed by web swinging above. Nebula heard some clinging and she pointed her gun at the noise and she cocked it back ready to shoot. But Venom and Aaron and a strange little woman slammed through the roof. And Nebula's face was in complete shock and she ran and like really ran over to venom and she screamed "Eddie!!" And she kissed him passionately and Eddie savored the kiss and pulled her in. Leaving Aaron to finally snap out of his haze and his mom helped him up. Eddie then removed his lips from hers and he smiled while Nebula smiled to.

"Nebs we have to get out of here!" Eddie said while still holding her. Nebula nodded and she kissed him one more time. But there little reunion was disturbed when Dr.Patel returned through the roof and she laughed evilly and she yelled "YOU THINK THIS IS OVER?!?!?" As she slammed her arm over a boiler canister and she hit Venom and Spider-Man both and they fell to the ground with the heavy boiler on top of them. She then lifted Nebula off the ground, she threw her to the wall which made her fall further down off the the railing and hit the floor. Then she aggressively faced to Aaron and his mom but in came Andi which she kicked her in the face. Causing Dr.Patel to crash over on her back. Aaron smiled and he ran over to Andi and Andi smiled when she saw Aaron and kissed him on the lips. But they realized that they had to help Venom and Spider-Man. Meanwhile Aaron's mom went to help Nebula who had fell over the railing. 

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