Best roommates?

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 As Aaron came down the elevator he and Anti-Venom were talking and they were having a very good talk and they were both wondering who this other girl was. But Anti-Venom had a different plan and instead bust the top of the elevator shaft open and he Transformed into his monstrous like form and climbed up an the elevator shaft, once he found the vent opening he bust through it and crawled downward and made it to the floor where the yellow monster girl was and both he and Aaron peeked down into the vent only to see her sitting in her suit and waiting for the elevator to come. But Anti-Venom accidently hit something in the vent which caused her to look over her shoulder but blushing all the while as she looked at Anti-Venom through the vent.

 But Anti-Venom accidently hit something in the vent which caused her to look over her shoulder but blushing all the while as she looked at Anti-Venom through the vent

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 And she asked him while blushing,

Shriek: "Enjoying the view?"

 Her thighs were muscle and very juicy looking to Anti-Venom but he kept his thoughts to himself. She then got up and popped open the vent which caused Aaron and Anti-Venom to both fall out and hit the floor. While she was shocked that she had hurt them she grabbed them up and pinned Anti-Venom to the wall. She then extracted her tongue and licked Anti-Venom which caused both him and Aaron to blush at the same time.  She then let both of them go and walked off allowing Anti-Venom and Aaron to inspect her rear part as she walked off. She punched the window of the office then leaped down and out while doing a front flip.

 Anti-Venom was confused so was Aaron but they both did not care, Aaron and Anti-Venom both left the building a different way out and headed to Aaron's home. When they got out of the building they left a note saying that they were sorry for the damaged things that they had destroyed while the two of them were in there. Anti-Venom felt the wind brush against his skin which was moist in the light that was provided from colorado's street lights and building lights. When they finally reached Aaron's house they peeled the window open and saw Aaron's sister Izzy had been in his room messing with salem one of their house pets.

 Anti-Venom got scared and climbed back up while hiding from his hosts sister, Anti-venom then climbed back down enough so that he could see inside the room. Aaron's sister was looking around like she thought she may had heard something but then saw the window open and closed it. But then she left out of the room only leaving Salem inside of the room which Anti-Venom thought he was not an issue so he reopened the window and slid himself inside of the room. Anti-Venom transformed back into Aaron, Aaron asked Anti-Venom,

Aaron: Anti can you show yourself?"

 Anti-Venom then raveled around his shoulder and faced him, 

Anti-Venom: "Yes Aaron?"

Aaron: "Why did you choose me?"

Anti-Venom: "I choose you because you needed me."

 Aaron then asked him another question,

Aaron: "Can you form your upper half and face me?"

 Anti-Venom did so and his upper torso and his arms appeared out of the front of Aaron's body. Anti was confused by what Aaron was trying to do but Aaron hugged him Anti-Venom's face had a very shocked but confused expression across it but he put his arms around Aaron's back as they both hugged for a while. After a couple of minutes hugging they both spread apart from each other Anti-Venom vanished back into Aaron's body and he began to speak with Aaron,

Anti-Venom: "What was that?"

Aaron: "What are you talking about Anti?"

Anti-Venom: "I am talking about the thing me and you just did."

Aaron: "Ohhhh, your not familiar with earths customs are you? Well I can teach you some more if you would like."

Anti-Venom: "I would like that."

 Aaron and Anti-Venom both went to sleep and awaited for the next morning to come and all of earths customs to be taught to Aaron's new companion and friend.

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