Aaron and Andi (18+)

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 Aaron in the black suit was swinging along side Andi in the middle of New York but it was diffrernt and the terain was different in structure and the mood of the city. The sun shone brightly and Aaron could feel the air rush against his face as he swung from each black strand of webbing that came from his wrists. Andi was also looking good inside of the Anti-Venom suit it was nice being able to breath without feeling suffocated but Aaron was glad for this because he could keep a close eye on his friend. Aaron looked at Andi and she just held her eyes forward without looking at him, Aaron then pulled on the web and did a backflip while perching onto a rooftop and Andi joined right beside him opposite side of the bulidings roof. Aaron then faced toward her and he did not want to look away until she looked back but when she did she gave Aaron a look that screamed Get your eyes off of me!! But Aaron then began to speak,

"Uh..hey I'm Aaron and uh i just want you to know that your cute." He said while trying to hide his blush but it seemed so red that Andi might see it through the black. Andi smiled and returned the gesture by saying "Thanks your handsom and cute to." Andi said while smiling then she returned her look to the street below. Then Aaron uncrouched and walked over and he tapped Andi but by the time he reached her shoulder she moved so quick she gripped his forearm and pinned him against the roofs stairwell door and she held her other hand by his throat and she did the unbelivible SHE KISSED HIM...

  Aaron blushed and he was going to ask what was happening but she told him "Shut up and just kiss me." And Aaron did while his black mask tethered away from the bottom half of his face and Andi's did the same to and they both kissed with fires in their chests and their heart beats beating so fast it might burst out of their chest. Aaron had wanted to pull away but something in the back of his mind told him not to. Bodies pushing back and forth and Andi's hand went into a place where no girls hands have gone before and her hand slipped right where It was and she smiled between the kiss after that Aaron gripped her breast and Andi hid a slite moan on the tip of her tounge and she then kissed his hand then his lip then his chest as the black suit made way for her mouth as she kissed his chest then his lower place then she put her mouth where her hand was. 

 Aaron had never felt anything like this before and he was enveloping it with every savory feeling in his body. She was going back and forth back and forth and each time Aaron gripped the wall so tight he might even break the wall itself. Andi blushed and sucked so hard her cheeks showed the outline of her teeth. Andi would not stop and Aaron could not help himself but he moaned and Andi enjoyed it when he did and she just kept going until Aaron was close and when she knew she finally gave it one last suck and Aaron gripped the wall so hard he crushed the brick that was behind him and he finished in her mouth and Andi ate every bit of it up.

 Aaron was panting and sweating and breathing so fast that Andi could see sweat beads on his forehead. And his chest was going up and down and Andi removed her mouth and slid her hands up Aaron's chest and all the way up to his shoulders and she smiled and kissed him and Aaron kissed back and he did not care. But one thing that was clear that Aaron had one feeling in his head and in his heart that this was the girl he had adored and loved with all his might. And who know's maybe Andi would love him to with given time but Aaron was vulnerable and he did love her it would just be weird if he told her and she did not tell him the same in return.

 And who know's maybe Andi would love him to with given time but Aaron was vulnerable and he did love her it would just be weird if he told her and she did not tell him the same in return

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