The project

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 Aaron was stuck inside the canister of the purple juice again with the tube in his throat and hoses put inside of him. Dr.Patel slammed the doors open and she was smiling and giggling her blue skin beamed in the bright light. Aaron faintly looked at Anti-Venom which was crawling and begging to try to get to Aaron. Dr.Patel made her tentacles arch over her shoulder and set the bag onto the table. And she whispered to herself,

Dr.Patel: "I can't wait."

Back in 2022

Maria and Cletus were both going to school while Eddie and nebula stayed home with each other and those two were working on getting a pinpoint on Aaron's location. 

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 They both were now done with school and they transformed to their symbiote's one being Scream and obviously the other being Carnage

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 They both were now done with school and they transformed to their symbiote's one being Scream and obviously the other being Carnage.

 They both were now done with school and they transformed to their symbiote's one being Scream and obviously the other being Carnage

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And they both blushed at each other and they leaped and web swung home back to Eddie's apartment

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And they both blushed at each other and they leaped and web swung home back to Eddie's apartment. Venom and Nebula were having the birds and the bees inside Eddie's room after 30 to 40 minutes Venom laid on his back and Nebula climbed atop of him and she laid on his chest as Venom petted her head. And she made a face a Venom that told him your sexy but lay to rest on the petting. Venom acknowledged it and he put his arm on her back but wrapped her in so that she would feel protected. Eddie then spoke inside of Venom 

Eddie: "You just got lethal protected."

 Nebula raised up on her arms on Venom's chest and petty hit his chest as they both laughed and kissed each other. Eddie was about to try and make for around two but they were both interrupted when Scream and Carnage came inside the apartment and they both were giggling and kissing. Venom held himself balanced on his elbows with the sheet still over his waist, and he transformed back into Eddie. Nebula got out of Eddie's bed and wrapped herself with his bathrobe. Eddie smiled and asked Nebula playfully,

Eddie: "Oh come on don't go come back to bed where it's nice and warm." he slapped his hand two times in a row to come back.

 Nebula chuckled and she went over to his side of the bed and she picked up his and kissed it and she said.

Nebula: "Not right now we have not only children to take care of but some research to do as we are still trying to look for Aaron remember."

Eddie: "Right right I forgot but after may you please come back to bed." 

Nebula: "I will think about it." She said with a smile.

 Eddie got out of bed too and he went to the bathroom to go change and brush his teeth. Outside of the room Scream and Carnage were still inside of their suits and they were on Aaron's bed and they were both making out. Scream finally released herself from Carnage's devilish tongue and she asked him,

Scream: "So are we going to talk about last night or not?"

Carnage: "Yes my dear we will." He replied as he brushed her yellow and red hair out of her face. 

 Eddie and Nebula both came out of the room and they both had little curious face's and Carnage and Scream looked back at them mocking them and they all laughed and Scream got off of Carnage and Carnage sat up looking at the Nebula and Eddie. 

Eddie: "Alright guys it is time today we're going outside and were going to try to use the same device that made Aaron disappear about three weeks ago."

Nebula: "And I hope this is going to work because with some of my connections across the galaxy I have been able to whip up an almost exact working replica of what took Aaron."

 Scream and Carnage smiled as they all went outside,

The sunset was beautiful and when the sunset the gang all went into the alley behind Eddie's building and Eddie activated the device and set it on the ground and the device crackled and fizzed sporadically but with a blue and purple haze a cloud o...

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The sunset was beautiful and when the sunset the gang all went into the alley behind Eddie's building and Eddie activated the device and set it on the ground and the device crackled and fizzed sporadically but with a blue and purple haze a cloud opened from the device and Nebula and Eddie nodded as Nebula pulled out her gun and went through the portal and Eddie watched as it closed and Nebula was gone from them. Because she was now on a mission to save Aaron!!

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