Nebula in the future

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  When Nebula walked through the portal it had seemed that Night time had transffered over to day but that could also be because of the major time shift when she had entered the portal. Nebula was curious and had wondered how everything in this city had been built and things as such. Nebula could see on a rooftop she was standing on a big bright blue sign with the words sectioned in a downward build that read "Alchemax." And at the time in the currant earth 616 universe that she was familiar with they had just started small productions with this company but apperantly it was more bigger than she thought it would be. 

 Nebula felt the heat of the sun on her bright blue and purple skin and she reached out with a hand to feel the warmth. And she paced back and forth because when she had walked through they had established a communication device that would be able to communicate through different timelines. She clicked a button and a static sound came back but soon she heard Eddie's voice through the small device that she held in her hand. Every time he talked lights that would hue different colors such as red and blue could be seen as he talked because they depicted different levals of audio cues. 

Eddie: "Hey Nebbs can you here me?" he asked through the device.

Nebula: "Loud and clear Eddie." She replied with a smirk because she was happy that it worked.

 later Nebula climbed her way down carefully to make to it the street where she would be swept up by sirens and gun fire. She stood very still against the wall hoping not to be caught in the crossfire of the mid level crime that was happeneing at that very moment. Then she saw something or someone that had caught her eye and it was a bright vibrant flash of red and blue except more blue than red. And some vibrating hum coming from the suit that the person was wearing but she could not analize it in full because the person in the costume had left folling the whaleing sounds of the sirens. Nebula took out her space pistol and followed the sirens along with the strange figure in the blue and red tights.

 When Nebula finally reached the entry point to the crime scene she had to duck immediatly and she looked behind her only to find a criminal knocked unconcious by the same person in the tights. After the last criminal was taken down Spider man 2099 looked over his shoulder only to find that Nebula from his universe was a model and he thought back to the image in the holographic magazine he keeps under his bed and he recalled seeing her page. But he had been confused as to why a swimsuit model would be doing in the outskirts of Newyork espacially during the fight.

 But he had been confused as to why a swimsuit model would be doing in the outskirts of Newyork espacially during the fight

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Spider-Man 2099: "Excuse me but how can I help a pretty woman like yourself?,did you get lost?"

 Nebula was confused because she had no idea that he was even relating her to a woman let alone think she needed his help. She pointed the blaster at him and she asked him,

Nebula: "Who are you, and what is your purpose?" she asked while still holding the blaster.

 Spider man did not know what else to do he held his arms up and asked her in response.

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