A new beginning

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After the almost brutal fight with Virus Aaron and Eddie were on bed rest for a couple of weeks. Meanwhile Nebula was gone and on her space missions. Anti-Venom was resting when inside of the symbiotes mind he had seen a vision. Inside of Anti-Venoms mind Anti had saw nothing but black. Then with a crack in the sky red streaked everywhere. Anti then saw a dark figure with pulsing red eyes and a sword of black and as dark as night. Anti-Venom awoke from his slumber causing Aaron to shake awake but groan in pain at the same time because of his fight he had been in.

Anti-Venom formed from Aaron's shoulder and the expression written on his face was almost horrific for even Aaron to see. What's wrong Anti you look more pale than you usually do. Anti-Venom just shrunk back into Aaron's body but seconds later he appeared in front of Aaron with his arms and chest exposed. Leaving white and black strands of himself open. Anti-Venom just hugged Aaron and tight. Aaron was shocked but he hugged Anti-Venom back and they stood there for awhile.

Aaron and Anti split from each other and Anti-Venom was still scared and confused on what his dream would have meant to him. "Hey are you okay?" Aaron asked but Anti-Venom just looked down on the ground hoping Aaron wouldn't see his reaction. Anti-Venom felt conflicted about the dream and felt compelled to tell Aaron but then again to he really wanted this information to himself so he just kept quiet and slid back into place of Aarons boundaries of his body. Aaron was confused but he didn't sweat it at all.

Eddie was strange today but not the worrisome type of weird. Aaron walked over to Eddie "Hey are you okay?" Eddie nodded happily as he pulled Aaron in closer Eddie then spoke so that Aaron could only hear him. "Hey buddy I'm uh well I'm gonna propose to Nebula." He said as he pulled out a ring with a medium sized diamond attached to the base of the ring.

Aaron was shocked and amazed by what Eddie had told him. Aaron was very happy for Eddie and even more excited because he was going to be apart of this new family. "Oh yeah buddy I want you to be the best man. I mean through out all of the time we've spent together it would be wrong if you weren't the best man. And I'm pretty sure you're mom would be proud of you." Aaron smiled at Eddie's words. "I would be honored Eddie, and thank you for being here for me." Aaron said as tears began to form in his eyes. Eddie just smiled and hugged him and it was a very meaningful hug. Eddie then parted from the hug and patted Aaron's shoulder and he walked away smiling.

Aaron quickly wiped the tears away and he walked to the bathroom to freshen up. Years of abuse and fighting had been now rewarded for him. Aaron wiped water all over his face and let the water drip down his face. But when he looked back into the mirror he saw Anti-Venom glaring back at him. Aaron touched his face as he looked back into the reflection. Only to see Anti-Venom copy him it was odd for Aaron to see but he guessed it was fine.

After Aaron had splashed and pretty much did everything he could to wake himself up. He walked out of the bathroom and got himself some breakfast. Maria and Cletus smiled and greeted Aaron as he walked into the kitchen. Nebula walked passed Aaron and smiled as she lightly pinched his cheek in a mother type of fashion. Aaron sat down and began to eat but something was off as if something was about to happen but like something awful was going to happen. Aaron set down his spoon into the white porcelain bowel. And in the reflection of the bowel Aaron had gotten up and his head was fuzzy as though there was a weird itch he couldn't shake.

Aaron walked around and Nebula asked but in a background type of noise. "Aaron..what's wrong?" Aaron responded but hearing his heartbeat and footsteps at the same time "I don't know..." Aaron called Eddie's name and Eddie came around the corner and answered. "What is it Aaron?" Still with the background noise still occuring. Aaron looked from left to right not knowing why his sense was being triggered.

Aaron looked over at Cletus and Cletus looked at Aaron and said "Why you lookin at me like that?" Aaron just turned around and closed his eyes to try and concentrate on the source of the trigger. He breathed heavily and his pulse quickened and he shot his eyes open and he looked at where he believed where it was coming from and he shot a white strand of webbing to a random person inside of the apartment. Eddie looked at the end of the hallway and he saw the guy that had crept into the home.

Aaron jogged over to pick up the guy who has broke in. As Aaron turned him over he almost gagged as he fell back. The man was a dark and light green pale mixed with the green colored crayon in a crayon box. His eyes were white with no indication of the person's soul was even intact with the body. He smiled his cracked lips as he spoke with black vein like shapes seeping from his eyes. "We have detected your presence White one. we know what you are. The black one is coming for you he's coming for all of you!!" He stated as the white in his eyes had disappeared and his body fell limp.

Aaron held the man's body until he let go was when the body fell to the floor. Nebula and Eddie both stood in shock as they heard what the man spoke. Eventually the man's body disappeared from sight only leaving the white strands in which he was tied up with. Aaron stood in shock as he stood up Eddie asked Aaron "Uhhhh, buddy what was that?" Aaron stood frozen in place not knowing how to find words for what he had just heard.

Nebula hugged Eddie and Eddie hugged her back. Maria and Cletus we're worried for Aaron. But they were just as confused as Aaron was. But after time Aaron just grabbed the webbing from the floor and stuffed it into his pocket. Eddie tried to stop Aaron but Aaron just transformed into his white and black Anti-Venom suit and jumped out the window needing to escape from the house and away from everyone else. He just needed time alone...

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