The memorial service

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Aaron was in a medium tux and he was followed by Eddie and Nebula with scream and Carnage who were formed as there hosts. Eddie held Nebula's hand and he walked with her as she held Aaron's hand. Together all of them were at the service where they were met by some recognizable faces. Such as Aaron's sisters and some other family members and friends.

Nebula placed a set of flowers on Aarons mom's casket. Aaron's sisters were confused and shocked by the Alien cyborg but she just let them stare. The father arrived a little late and he fixed his scarf that he wore around his neck. And he also fixed his hair. Eddie and Nebula held their hands together, Nebula rested her head on Eddie's shoulder.

Aaron recognized his sister was crying. But he just put his head down and paid his respects to his mother who was now gone because of him. The fall weather rustled in the trees and the sky was filled with an unwanted presence in the clouds. Dead leafs blew and fell from the almost bare tree. As the father finished his speech. Everyone went inside to hear and speak about some of the great things that his mom should be remembered for.

After awhile Aaron was called to the stand where he would give his speech about his mom and how she made him a better person. "Hello...for those of you who don't know me, my name is Aaron. And I'm my mother's son, now I don't have that much to say because well I was treated differently when it came to me and my mom. It's hard for me to say anything about her but one thing I will say about her is in her final moments she told me something, something that was and well still is important to me." Aaron cleared his throat and continued.

"My mom and I didn't always have the best relationship but she told me...That with great power must also come great responsibility." After he said that Aaron finished his speech after a few minutes. And outside the church home Aaron was confronted by his older sister "You ever come near me or my sisters and I will hurt you." Aaron just nodded in response to her tiny threat but accepted it.

Eddie and Nebula asked the three of they were ready to go home. Aaron, Cletus and Maria nodded. As they all filed in the car Aaron was stopped again but this time it was the Reverend. "Hello Mr.Aaron I never got the pleasure to meet ya." Aaron nervously shook his hand "Nice to meet you to." The Reverend spoke again "So uhh I came to you because we need to schedule an appointment to discuss what was in your mother's will." Aaron nodded his head "Oh okay." The Reverend shook his head and whished then goodbye and Aaron got into the van and Eddie started it up and they drove off leaving the cemetery.

Aaron sat in the car upset by the recent events that have unfolded with his time with Anti-Venom. But one thing he had to remember was Anti-Venom was the most important thing in his life right now that and his new family. Aaron pondered his thoughts until he realized that the car had stopped and they were back at Eddie's apartment.

Eddie unlocked the doors and let everyone out as they all headed upstairs to rest. But something was wrong it smelled like...FIRE!! Eddie squished and squeezed through people as he saw that the top floor in which was where he lived had been burnt to ashes. Aaron was shocked and so was Nebula but Eddie knew deep down when Nebula was gone he instantly knew who this was.

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